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At the practice room :

The boys were busy practicing for their upcoming concert . The setlist had all powerful songs at the beginning such as ON , FIRE , DOPE , RUN BTS , MIC DROP, IDOL . The music came to a pause as the boys fell on the floor one by one panting heavily .

" Okay guys , lets monitor the performance and call it a day , and you will also be having no practice tomorrow . You'll need to rest . Take care " The choreographer said seeing the boys on floor . The boys monitored all the songs and made a note of the areas they need to improve .

Hobi : Tae , during idol I saw what you did , you handled it professionally but be careful next time , I'm watching you my boy .

Tae : Ah hyung as expected I could never escape from your eagle eyes haha , i'll be careful hoseokie hyung.

Hobi : That's my boy ! And Yoongi hyung I saw you missing a step during FIRE too, you thought i'll miss that ?

Suga : Ya I thought i'll escape , hopefully . But when has that happened ?

Hobi : Hahaha hyung I'm the dance leader for a reason.

Jimin : I was also a little off the beat during mic drop , I need to look after that.

Hobi : Ya Jimina , I know you will take care of it . You did good !

Suga : Yaaa this is unfair ! You are scolding others except Jimin . He is your golden child or what ?

Hobi : Hyung I can't scold Jimin since he works hard , he already strains too much .

Jin : Ya you are right , Jiminie works very hard , you can't say anything to him .

Suga : Its not like I don't work hard tho , anyways you'll are gonna pamper him no matter what I say .

Hobi , Jin , Tae are just laughing at yoongi sulking while Jimin is giving him a death glare .

Joon : Okay enough of bickering , since we have some time left before our next schedule , what are you guys planning to do ?

Hobi : Lets watch some tiktoks , many idols have participated in run bts challenge did you'll see?

Jin : Lets 1st eat aren't you guys hungry after dancing this much , wahh im so tired.

Jk : Aigoo , our Jin hyung is getting old already !

Jin : YAA YOU ! You never miss a chance to diss me on my age , you are also gonna get old one day remember ?

JK: Hyung , even when I get old i'll be still be younger than you!

The room was now filled with laughter sounds of the 7 boys .

Tae : Our staff bought some dumplings , I'm gonna eat everything better back off y'll.

Jimin : Hey , better share some with me or else get ready for a chase Taehyungie !

Tae : No way , try to catch me me if you can !

Tae starts to run around with dumplings in his hands and Jimin chases him around .

Joon : Hey not you guys again , you'll are trying to fight once more over this dumplings and write FRIENDS pt .2 or what ? Come and sit down both of you .

Jk: For real hyung , I'm done with these 2 and their dumpling fights .

Suga : Yaa just let's sleep until our next schedule *yawning *

Jimin : Do you know anything other than sleeping ? Always being a sleepy cat !

Suga : Do you have a death wish jiminie ?

Jk : Enough enough ! Now listen to this golden maknae , we are gonna play a game with some hot rules ! You'll get ready !

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A/N :

Thanks for reading this ! English is not my 1st language , so lemme apologize here itself for any grammatical mistakes in this book . Did you'll watch the BANGBANGCON today ? Do comment your thoughts . Stay hydrated loves , lets see in the next one ! BORAHAE

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