"And once again many congratulations" the dean said as Izhaan and I were just about to exit his office room, I looked down feeling embarrassed, why did Izhaan have to tell him about the pregnancy!

Izhaan is slowly taking over all of my responsibilities, first he started taking care of the orphanage, then slowly he started resolving the matters in the NGO also. I'm really getting dependant on him.

I looked at him, walking hand in hand with him felt so good. I suppressed the urge of giving him a tight hug. He walked towards the parking, I stopped, he turned around to look at me

"What?" He asked

"Let's go to the cafetaria" I said

"Jaan! You are not allowed to have coffee" he narrowed his eyes at me

"Let's go!" I pulled him

"Fine! Let's go" he said and I led him to the cafetaria.

Izhaan's phone started ringing, he stopped walking, he took out his phone, his eyes widened looking at the caller, he left my hand

"You go ahead, I'll come in a minute" he said

"Who is it?" I asked

"No one important. Go" he motioned me to walk ahead, I nodded and went towards the cafeteria.

Today I am planning to introduce all of my friends to Izhaan properly, and right now they all are waiting for me in the cafeteria.

I could see all of my friends sitting there, as I walked in the cafeteria. My heartbeat accelerated when I looked at Hussain, he was the first one who looked at me, he immediately got up and walked towards me.

"Reem! I can't believe you are actually standing in front of me" he said standing in front of me. I felt so awkward

"Hey topper" naira came running and hugged me, I beamed at her.

I got busy with everyone that I forgot about Hussain. It felt nice meeting my friends after so long.

"Reem! We need to talk" Hussain said in a high tone to grab my attention, everyone cleared their throats, to tease us perhaps, I guess Hussain told them everything

"We didn't know you were keeping secrets from us Reem" Hina smirked at me

"Yeah I guess I have kept a secret from you all." I said and just then I saw Izhaan coming towards us. "And now I am going to reveal it" I said. Izhaan looked distressed he came straight to me.

"We have to leave, I have some important work" he said, I nodded

"Ok, but first I want to introduce you to all of my friends" I said and finally izhaan acknowledged the gang standing next to me. They all looked surprised seeing him, I knew they were dying to know who this person is.

One by one I took everyone's name.

"And, this is Hussain" I said, Izhaan's jaw visibly tightened seeing him, he just gave him a curt nod.

"And everyone this is Izhaan, my husband" I dropped the bomb

"What?" They chorused

I refrained myself from looking at Hussain.

"What are you saying?" Juhi asked

"You got married?" Shoaib asked in disbelief

"I have been married to him for last ten years" I held Izhaan's hand while looking with love at him.

"Huh? 10 tears?"

Their shocked faces made me realise that I have been stupid to not share this news sooner. My eyes met Hussain's, what wasn't there, hurt, shock, anger, grief. I lowered my eyes immediately

Just let me love you.. again (SEASON I)Where stories live. Discover now