chapter 15

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Ayesha's pov

To say I was shocked is an understatement, Mr Khan's behaviour has shook me, I don't know what I have done to deserve all this madness.

Just because I was being appreciated, he felt so jealous that he mishandled me, my hatred for him has grown even more.

I was seriously not in the mood to deal with him, or to even look at his face, so I decided to take a few days off, that meeting happened on Monday and today is Friday.

These past few days have been my best days since I have come to Delhi. Reem has been crazily busy between University, NGO and the orphanage, so I mostly chilled at home.

My phone buzzed, I picked it up it was a message from Sufiyan, two months ago, we exchanged numbers, we regularly talk since then, he has become a sort of friend.

I laughed out loud when I saw the video he sent, it was some clip if Doremon was made in Punjabi. I found it pretty hilarious.

"Who was it?" Reem asked. I looked at her. We both were lying down on a couch in the living room, we sat to watch a movie, but got busy talking with each other.

I told her about Mr Khan's behaviour, but not the entire incident, she would have gone crazy, and fought with Mr Khan, sadly he's not just my pathetic boss, he is Reem's future brother-in-law also, and I have to keep that in consideration.

"Come back to earth, baby" she shook me with her foot, i didn't realise when I zoned out.

"It was sufiyan's message. Wait, I'll show you" I passed her my phone, she saw the video and laughed, Reem has also warmed up with sufiyan a little, they've met twice or thrice in the university.

"Who comes up with such nonsense!" She wondered, i just shrugged

"Ya Allah! Look at you girls, you have created such a mess" Rukhsana aunty shouted, we turned towards her.

"What a mess?" I looked around, but I found nothing

"This" she pointed at the scattered boxes of popcorn and a few crushed soda cans, Reem and I both laughed at her sheepishly, she shook her head in disbelief.

She bent to pick up the trash, but Reem held her hand.

"It's ok aunty, it will get cleaned in the morning" she said

"Madam will return soon, she will not like the house dirty." Aunty sighed

"We will do it before she returns, don't worry. It's late, you go to sleep" I insisted, she showed hesitance, but went to sleep nevertheless

None of us did the work we promised, instead we sat and chatted about random things.

Around half an hour later, the door opened and aunty and dad walked in. We both sat straight when we saw them.

"Assalamualaikum" I said cheerfully to dad

"Walekumassalam. God bless you both, he smiled and sat next to Reem, she visibly stiffened when he sat next to her

"I'm too sleepy, I'm going to sleep" Avira Aunty yawned, then she left

"You guys should have come to the party" he spoke, then he turned to Reem "Everyone was asking about you, you were greatly missed" he put his arm over her shoulder, she slided it away and shifted away from him, his face fell

What's wrong with Reem? Why does she behave so oddly with dad?

"You must be exhausted?" I asked taking away the awkwardness

"Not really. Looks like you guys had fun" he said looking at the proof of what we had eaten, i smiled

"So how was the party?" I asked to avoid seriousness from the ambience

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