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It was trivial in the early days;
Somewhat like a cuckoo's call on a spring morning;
Insignificant and routine,
Yet a call of beauty.

I'll never understand how you remember that one day when I said something;
It reached your heart and left a mark
And you hold on to the date
Like it brings us closer.
Maybe it does.

I remember what it was like back then.
Getting to know each other from scratch;
A whole other world of smile and tears, of light and darkness.
I remember you surveying the shattered pieces of me like a puzzle;
Like if you tried hard enough you might put them back together.
Maybe you did.

I remember all the ups and downs;
All the to-and-fro over and over
To come back to the same conclusion.
We couldn't leave. We couldn't get away.

People say the universe often conspires against you.
No matter how hard you try, how close you get to,
Some things aren't meant to be.
Sometimes, it conspires for you too.
For all our doubts and insecurities,
It was as if existence itself wanted us together.
And who are we to deny something
That seems as profound as destiny?

So I let the floodgates open
And now I find you in all my favourite songs
And every piece of poetry I've ever written.
All my wishes and dreams
And my absolute certainty in their futility at the time;
Everything converges to the tiny little blip
On the universe I chose to call mine.

I've always believed in balance in every way and form.
I thought we didn't have it. I couldn't have been more wrong.
For when it's all said and done,
The truth that locks me in a stare
Is that somewhere along the line,
The dream of having you became reality
And the possibility of loosing you, a nightmare.

I played the game of ifs and buts and weighing scales.
But if we could measure feelings, we wouldn't be the human race.
So, maybe it is more or less or everything or nothing at all.
But it is. And that's all I care for.

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