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How  many more signs do you need to realise that I'm  obsessed with you?

How many times do I have to wait for the right moment to text you, waiting for a story on which I could comment without seeming over-friendly?

How many days would it take for you to realise that it isn't normal for a girl to be this persistent on texting a guy unless she is "interested"?

I wish I could tag you here and let you know all of this.

But I won't.

Because I don't want you thinking I'm a creep or a flirt. Don't want you to think I'm one of those many who swoon over your looks; those girls who want to gain your attention for "convenience".

Do they text you often?

Am I lost within the crowd of your admirers?

I most probably am.

I can't even begin to explain how much I wish to actually know you!

So I won't try.

I won't say a word about it.

I will just keep spamming your inbox and hope that someday you'll realise.

Someday before it all ends.

But it's ok if you don't.

You see I'm used to being alone by this point.

So its ok if you don't care.

Probably after a few months, I wouldn't care either.

But for now, you're special. And I owe you a Thanks.

After the last, I never even thought I'd have this feeling again.

Now I do.

Thanks to you.

Thanks for healing me without knowing.

Thank you.

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