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Dear Friend,

I suddenly remembered a line from FIOS today.

"The world is a wish granting factory."

I realised we all grow up believing it is. Then life teaches us a lesson and tells us that's it's actually the opposite. We all have to learn it the hard way. At least every person will find their position hard. Comparatively, for some it's a little bit hard, for some it's unbearably hard. Augustus learned it the hard way. And, so did we all.

It reminds me of a saying I had heard once. "Knowledge is but both a blessing and a curse."

We gain the knowledge that, "Apparently the world is not a wish granting factory."

It's a blessing for we learn to not expect too much from life so that we don't get hurt again (generally).

A curse for we have to roam about with the burden of that lesson hanging around our neck.

I have been there myself. Still am there theoretically. And it's not nice. People cope with it in different ways.

I remember what Anne said.
"Go outside. Somewhere you can be alone, alone with the sky, nature and God. For then and only then can you feel that everything is as it should be and God wants people to be happy amidst nature's beauty and simplicity."

I don't believe in God. But I do believe in the power of nature. I have felt it in my bones and my very soul. It helps me. Not necessary it will help you as well. But you can always try.

Anyways, I am ranting. But I hope things get back to normal. We, all of us, are in a real state! Hope it's going to end soon.

Yours sincerely

A friend

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