13 | altered

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"Amelia, get back inside." Danika urged me back into the pod. "Those guys would be the first to turn you in if they figure out you're not a citizen."

I raised my hands up in surrender, retreating back into the room. "Okay, okay. Nolan saw me. Do I need to worry about him turning me in?"

"No, of course not." she relented, pinching her nose for a half second. She shook her hands in front of her chest, which started to turn red.

Either she didn't handle stress well, or this was way more serious than I understood.

Nolan turned the corner, arms out wide. Danika parked him with a hard hand to the center of his chest, not letting him past the gauzy entrance. She peered around his shoulder at the group of soldiers he came in with. She switched to the orleizen dialect before speaking in hushed tones. "I don't want those ass-kissers coming over here. If they see her, we both know what'll happen."

I went back towards the couch, feigning oblivion while listening to every single word they thought I couldn't understand. Keeping Nox a secret came insanely handy.

"Duh. Already ahead of you," Nolan replied, voice quiet. "I asked my buddy to keep the crew busy in pod two. Plus, they'll have their hands full with the altered drinks they ordered for the table. They won't bother us."

Danika nodded, rubbing the back of her reddening neck. "If you say so. I told her about what happened at her house... it's a sensitive subject, so don't bring it up unless she does. Besides that, I haven't learned anything from her yet. It doesn't seem she knows how she ended up here in Asylum, or she's too scared to say... I don't know. Poor girl's probably traumatized." she sighed, glancing around again. "I need to go speak with the owner for a bit and see if I can ask her for a favor. Do you mind staying with Amelia until I sort things out? Svana doesn't agree to anything without getting something in exchange, so it might take a while."

I fiddled with the sash tied around my waist, pretending to be preoccupied.

What can you tell me about Danika? I asked Nox, figuring I could do some digging while they were under the assumption I couldn't understand them.

~Hm, let's see,~ Nox pondered, studying her from its perch on my shoulders. ~Danika Daario, daughter of one of the distinguished council members of The Circle, is said to be among the few selected candidates running for the open seat at the next Onyx Moon celebration. Her records show she is a real stickler for rules, yet there are a couple reports her mother waved off of her being caught sneaking into the underground districts - which coincidentally, she's at right now. In recent months, Danika and the other candidates have taken on off-world missions in order to complete several political tasks given to them by The Circle, which will help them decide on who will be the victor.~

Oh, shoot.

I didn't realize Nolan, Nikoe, and Danika were all big shots. Sons of an esteemed General and a daughter of an alien council. Did that make the brothers her bodyguards?

My mind boggled at the major info dump Nox dropped on me. If Danika was caught helping me by the authorities, it may force her to relinquish her chance at earning a seat among this council group. Helping me posed a big risk at her expense. Yet, her mother had already wiped misdemeanors from her records. Who's to say the woman wouldn't do it again, on her daughter's behalf.

"Oh, one hundred percent." Nolan smiled. "Take as much time as you need. I'll keep her company." he sidestepped around her to get inside the pod, then paused. "Oh, and if you think a little extra schmoozing would win Svana over, I heard she really wants to get her hands on the latest oculus... wink wink."

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