Chapter 20

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As I continued to wash the blood off of y/n's body, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over me. Y/n had been through so much, and it was clear that the fight with her ex-boyfriend had taken a toll on her. She was still in a daze, barely able to speak or move.

I tried to be as gentle as possible as I washed her hair, but the sight of the red strands mixed in with the h/c made my stomach turn. I couldn't even imagine what y/n was feeling.

Suddenly, y/n snapped back to life and looked at me with fear in her eyes. My heart ached for her as I saw the sadness and pain in her expression. She began to cry pitifully, and I knew that she needed someone to be there for her.

"Let it all out. I'm here for you," I said softly, rubbing her back in a comforting gesture. Y/n thanked me over and over again, and I could feel the sincerity in her words.

"Thank you so much, Dobengal. I truly do love you," she said, and I could hear the honesty in her voice.

In that moment, I realized that the three little words didn't matter. What mattered was being there for y/n, supporting her through her struggles, and helping her heal. And that was exactly what I intended to do, no matter what it took.


Laying in the bed I hold them female closer. The grip she had on me was insanely tight, to say she was sleeping.

Y/n woke up in a cold sweat, her heart racing, and her breaths coming in short gasps. She had just woken up from a nightmare, and it felt all too real. In her dream, her ex-boyfriend had returned to the hotel, intent on finishing what he had started. She had been powerless to stop him, and he had taken her away again.

As y/n lay in bed, she clutched onto Dobengal, she lets out a piercing scream. The nightmare had felt so vivid, and the fear it had brought on was almost too much to bear. Y/n kicked and thrashed in her sleep, her body reacting to the terror of the dream.

Dobengal was there for her, though, a constant presence that reminded her of the good things in life. She held onto him tightly, feeling the softness of his fur and the comfort he brought. Slowly, her breathing steadied, and her body relaxed as the fear subsided.

Y/n knew that the trauma of her kidnapping would take time to heal, and the nightmare was a reminder of that. But she also knew that she had the strength to overcome it all, with the support of her friends and the unwavering determination to move forward.

As she drifted off to sleep again, y/n whispered a silent prayer of thanks for Dobengal, her steadfast friend and protector. With him by her side, she knew she could face whatever the future held.

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