Chapter 17

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As I walked into Dobengal and Marii's room, I was shocked to see the state of it. Everything was in disarray, and it was clear that someone had gone through all of Marii's belongings.

"It was definitely Akimi and Zion," I said to Rogue, who nodded in agreement. "Yeah, who else would know which room she stayed in?"

I started packing up all of our clothes and cleaning the room out. It was clear that Dobengal and y/n wouldn't be able to stay here anymore. "Guess they'll be staying with us," I said, half-jokingly. "Hopefully they aren't loud at night."

Rogue gave me a look. "I doubt they even participate in those types of activities. Get your head out of the gutters."

I chuckled at his comment, but deep down, I was worried about what would happen next. Akimi and Zion were dangerous, and I knew that we needed to be careful. But for now, all we could do was make sure that Dobengal and y/n had a safe place to stay.


Standing out on the beach with Dobengal i sigh, "why is it always so beautiful at night time?" "Tell me about it... wait let me take a picture of you, this looks good." He says. Watching him take pictures of me, I smile.

"I'm going to be right back, I have to pee..." i say to the female, "oh okay! Be quick!"

I couldn't believe my luck when I spotted y/n all alone on the beach. I quickly made my way over to Zion, who was always nearby.

"Zion, y/n is all alone on the beach right now. This is our chance," I whispered urgently.

Zion didn't hesitate. He snatched Marii and quickly put a bag over her head, causing her to faint. I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy, but I knew that we needed to follow through with our plan.

Zion seemed pleased with himself as we made our way to an older, boarded-up building. "Bummer the ninja wasn't around," he muttered to himself. "Oh well, I got y/n, which is even better."

As we entered the building, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. This was a dangerous game that we were playing, and I knew that things could go wrong at any moment.

But it wasn't until later that we realized our mistake. Y/n had dropped her sandal on the beach, and it would ultimately lead to evidence that would help find her.

I couldn't help but curse under my breath as I realized our mistake. We had been so focused on getting y/n that we hadn't thought about the consequences of our actions. But it was too late now. We were in too deep, and we needed to find a way to make our plan work.


Walking back out to see the female was now gone, looking for her i curse loudly, "fuck! I should've just waited!" Noticing her shoe on the ground, I call Sting. "They fucking took her." "Took who? Im sorry I just woke up." Groaning, "get the fuck up they took y/n, I knew we should've left earlier!" Hearing sting curse loudly, "where are you?!" "I'm on the beach, right under your room!" The phone hangs up. Biting my lip I groan, "im so stupid."

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