Chapter 14

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Sitting on the balcony waiting on Dobengal to get up. I listen to the ocean and feel the breeze. "Why are you up so early?" Dobengal grunts. "I'm always up. I love the morning breeze." Walking back into the room, "did you sleep well?" He nods, "a little too good. Did you give me melatonin?" Shaking my head, "i don't have any." We both laugh. Stretching, "we should start our day early!" He nods, "yeah. I see you're already dressed." Grinning, "yeah, get up.. Come on!" He gets out of bed, "okay lemon lime, don't rush me."  Hitting his hand, "shut up, I look good!"

After a few hours of activities, we decided to take a break and go shopping. As we walked around the shops, I noticed y/n's best friend, Akimi, lurking around. Something about her made me feel uneasy.

"Hey y/n, do you mind if we stay away from Akimi for a bit?" I asked.

Y/n looked at me with confusion. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about her," I said.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Dobengal, you can't just go around accusing people without a reason. Akimi is my friend and she's never done anything to make me doubt her."

We got into a little heated argument about it, but eventually, we continued shopping. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Akimi, but I didn't want to ruin Marii's day.

As we finished up our shopping, y/n and I decided to grab some lunch. We found a nice little restaurant overlooking the ocean and sat down to eat.

"I'm sorry for earlier," Dobengal said, breaking the silence. "I know you were just looking out for me."

"It's okay," I said. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Y/n smiled. "I know, and I appreciate it. But you have to trust me when I say that Akimi is a good person."

I nodded, deciding to let it go. I didn't want to ruin our day any further.

As we finished our meal, y/n and I made up. We spent the rest of the day laughing and enjoying each other's company. It was a perfect day, despite the little argument we had.

"We should go sit by the ocean and watch the sunset!" I say, nodding. We walk down to the lobby, noticing Sting and Rogue, they wave, "hey y/n and Dobengal.." waving. "We're going to watch the sunset, wanna come?" They nod, "yeah Frosche wanted to see the sunset badly.." Rogue chuckles holding the exceed. Frosche grins. "Frosche can't wait!"

As we sat on the beach, watching the sun set over the ocean, I couldn't help but bring up my concerns about y/n's best friend, Akimi. Sting and Rogue listened intently as I explained my unease about her.

"I don't know, guys. Something just feels off about her," I said.

Sting nodded in agreement. "I've seen her watching us from a distance a few times. And I swear, she's taken pictures too."

Rogue chimed in, "Yeah, and I've heard rumors that she's up to no good. I wouldn't trust her if I were you."

I could tell that y/n didn't want to believe what we were saying. She tuned us out for the rest of the night, choosing to focus on the beautiful sunset instead.

But what Dobengal was saying was true. Akimi hadn't talked to me since we graduated the year before, and I had seen her with my abusive ex-boyfriend a lot more lately. I didn't want to be in danger, and I didn't want to be hurt by someone i thought was my friend.

As the night wore on, y/n became more and more distant. I could tell that she was upset with us for bringing up Akimi. But I couldn't just stand by and let her be hurt.

Eventually, we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Y/n didn't say much, but I could tell that she was deep in thought.

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