Chapter 3

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A week passes, that feeling finally disappearing. I walk outside my apartment. "Gosh it's extremely hot... maybe I should change..." I say while walking back into my apartment. I change into something more,
'ℯ𝓍𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓉ℯ'. Walking out of the house I head to the guild.

Opening the doors, I walk straight over to the mission board. "Hey, y/n!" Sting shouts, flinching from the booming of his voice, I slowly turn around, staring at him, "Come here, silly." Frowning at his choice of words. Walking to the male, "Meet my brother, Rogue." Turning to him, I bow. "You're not much of a talker..." Sting says. Nodding. "So I see you're looking for a mission..." nodding, "Well in this guild we go on missions as duos... to make it more safe." My face deadpans. "Don't look at me like that..." he chuckles. Fixing my face. "I don't know anyone here." I flatly say. "Well, why don't you try to mingle with people?" Shaking my head. "Well if that's the case, I'll just pair you with somebody." Shrugging. Watching the male leave, "Frosche thinks your outfit is cute!" Frowning I turn to look around, "Frosche is down here!" Staring at the exceed, "Thank you..." I say while smiling. The exceed grins. Turning back to Sting, "Here's your new partner!" Staring at the masked male, "Uh, okay?" Walking back over to the board.

"So that's the girl you made Dobengal watch?" Nodding, "She's not a threat to us..." Rogue sighs, "She's just... emo?" Chuckling a bit, "Since when do we need duos to do missions?" Rogue questions, "Since now!" He scoffs. "You're messing with innocent people..." Dobengal stares at us. "Do you want me to watch her...?" Shaking my head, "No go make friends with her or something..." he grunts and walks over to her. "You're torturing our most loyal member for what?" Sting shrugs, "Dobengal needs friends..."

Staring at the papers. Feeling a sense of somebody behind me. I slide over. "Hey." A male voice mumbles. Turning towards the male, "Hey." I say. The air was tense. "Sting sent you over here..?" I question. He nods, "Something like that..." Nodding I turn back to the board, "I'm not going to burden you so you don't have to stay..." I say whilst grabbing the paper. Talking the paper to Sting. "Can I do this one..?" "Are you going to take Dobengal with you..?" Shrugging, "Yeah, you can... Be safe!" Nodding I walk out the door.

Walking behind the female. Hearing her read the paper out loud. "So it says here that we need to protect some girl... aw that's sad..." raising an eyebrow, "protect a girl from her abusive boyfriend... why not just put him in jail..." she questions herself. "Oh, maybe I need to read more. He's an escapee..." She walks to her apartment. "You can come in." Walking in I stand beside the door. Watching the sunset reflect off the water. "Catch." She says. Catching the weighted blanket. "What's this for...?" She looks up, "It's for you. I'm not taking that trip in the middle of the night. Get some sleep, I refuse to walk in the dark." Nodding. The female walks into her room.

Tossing and turning in my sleep. Seeing a bigger male hand come across my face, i whimper. "How'd you find me?" I say. Watching him take the hot knife out of the fire, "who told you to run away from me..?" Feeling the heat on my leg, "who told you to leave me...?" Whimpering loudly. "Nobody..." "exactly, and yet you still disobey me!" The male says before jabbing the knife into my stomach.

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