Chapter 13

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Waking up in a dark dirty room, I look around. "Doben?" I call out. Hearing foot steps, I sigh, "I thought you went to go get food, where are we Doben-" I stop my sentence, in utter shock. "Who's Doben?" Zion questions. Backing up, "a friend of mines... what do you want?!" My mind was now in shambles. "Why'd you leave me y/n? We were supposed to have kids together and get married!" Shaking my head, "no! You cheated on me!" He forcefully grabs me, "it doesn't matter what I did!" My body begins to tremble in fear. "Why did you leave me?!" He yells, alcohol was on his breath. "You took advantage of me!" I scream back. The male grabs my neck, "I didn't do shit to your lying ass!" Feeling his thick palm go across my face, i jolt forward.


Waking up from my sleep I gasp for air, "was that a vision?" I question myself. I haven't gotten those in almost five years... trying to catch my breath, my heart begins to speed up.

I'm lying on the bed, my eyes closed, trying to calm myself down after seeing a terrifying glimpse of the future. In my mind, I see Zion, my ex-boyfriend, grabbing me by the throat and slamming me against a wall. I feel his hands around my neck, choking the life out of me.

Just as I'm about to lose consciousness, I hear a knock on the hotel room door. I open my eyes, gasping for air, and realize that I'm back in the present. But the panic attack is already starting to take hold of me.

The door opens, and Dobengal walks in. He takes one look at me and rushes to my side. "Y/n, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

I can't speak, I'm too busy gasping for air. The room is spinning around me, and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Dobengal tries to calm me down, rubbing my back and telling me to breathe slowly and deeply.

After what feels like an eternity, my breathing starts to slow down, and the panic attack begins to subside. I sit up, wiping away the tears from my eyes, and try to explain to Dobengal what happened.

"I saw Zion," I whisper, my voice hoarse. "He was...he was hurting me."

Dobengal's expression turns to one of concern. "Y/n, you know that was just a vision, right? It hasn't happened yet."

"I know," I say, my voice trembling. "But what if it does happen? What if I can't stop it?"

Dobengal takes my hand and squeezes it gently. "We'll deal with it together, y/n. You're not alone in this."

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. Dobengal is right. I can't let my fear control me. I need to face this head-on and come up with a plan to prevent it from happening.

"Thank you, Dobengal," I say, looking up at him. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

He smiles at me reassuringly. "You don't have to worry about that, y/n. I'm here for you."

He looks at the bags of food on the floor, "damn, I dropped the food..." rubbing my eyes I laugh a bit, "it's okay, I'm not hungry right now." He grabs his food and sits in the bed, "you want to talk about the vision..?" Shaking my head, "what is that by the way?" I say looking at the food, "sushi... I didn't know what you liked so I got you chicken tenders." My face deadpans, "don't look at me that way." Laughing, "no I just eat chicken tenders a lot, that's all."

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