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Ten || Heart Attack

"Hello everyone!" I opened the video with a warm smile.

"Today we're going to do a two truths one lie with Smosh's favorite couple." Damien posed between Tommy and Jackie. "Shayne and Birdie, also known as Shadie."

Shayne explained the rules of the game and turned to face me with a small smile.

"Are you ready, Birdie?" Shayne asked, playing with his water gun menacingly. "You think you know me?"

"You're going to lose." I snickered, smiling innocently at him. "You want to go first?"


"Okay." Shayne nodded, picking up his stack of cards. "I have two brothers, the Chosen is my favorite character to play, and I've gotten into two car accidents."

I hummed in consideration, already knowing the answer but playing it up for the camera.

"You do have two brothers, Brian and Chris." I said with a smirk. "But you've gotten into more than two car accidents. So the lie is that you've gotten into two car accidents."

"You're..." Shayne toyed with the water gun, sighing before setting it down. "Right."

"The Chosen is your favorite?" Jackie asked. "Why?"

"Because it makes Birdie laugh." Shayne admitted with a blush, making me feel slightly bad as I sprayed water onto Shayne's Jean jacket.

"How cute!" Tommy gasped, reaching over and shaking my arm vigorously.

"Tommy!" I giggled, pulling my arm out of his grasp. "It's my turn."

"I feel like this is rigged!" Shayne suddenly huffed. "Birdie is an enigma. I've been dating her for almost eight months and I'm still learning about her past."

"Don't be sour, baby." I pouted. "I didn't make the lists too crazy."

"Okay." Shayne nodded, smiling softly at me as I picked up my own cards.

"Alright, Shayne." I grinned. "I once fought Dream, I once fought Danny- that's my cousin's best friend for those who didn't know-, and I once fought Ariana Grande."

"What!" Shayne gasped. "The obvious answer is Ariana Grande is the lie, but you wouldn't make it that easy for me."

"What do you think, baby?" I hummed.

"You've never fought Dan." Shayne decided. "That's the lie, final answer."

"You are correct!" I cheered. Shayne quickly sprayed me right in the center of my chest, leaning forward eagerly.

"Tell us about the fights with Dream and Ariana Grande." Shayne requested.

"When I met Dream for the first time, he wouldn't shut up about how short I am." I started. "So, naturally, I challenged him to a game of DDR. He took me to this arcade at like two am, and we played like eight rounds of DDR before he got upset that I kept winning and shoved me off the machine. I tackled him and we wrestled around the dance pad until the final score came up and I won."

"Shayne looks even more in love with you than usual." Damien smirked.

"The Ariana Grande story is different." I hummed. "We'd met previously through a mutual friend, and we had gotten along okay. We ended up going to the same party one night, one I was dragged to against my will. I was in a shitty mood already, so when Ariana spilled a drink on me and laughed, I started a brawl in the middle of the party. Luckily, the event was closed and there were no cameras allowed, so it was kept quiet to the public. We've talked through it already, but we don't really hang out anymore."

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