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Three || Fiances

"Hey, great stream last night, Birdie!" Courtney grinned as I shuffled into the office.

"Thanks." I yawned, sitting down beside her one one of the plush couches.

"Who texted you?" Courtney asked. "You said they were potentially a work spouse and I didn't text you yesterday."

"No, it was just-" I started, getting cut off by the man himself.

"Morning!" He greeted brightly, offering me one of the paper coffee cups in his hands. "I know you were up late last night."

"Thank you." I smiled gratefully, taking a sip of the perfectly made coffee. "How'd you know how I like my coffee?"

"As your potential work spouse, I pay attention." Shayne winked, making Courtney squeal.

"Shayne! Did you text Birdie while she was streaming last night?" Courtney pressed, eager for any scrap of my personal life. It wasn't that I didn't want anyone to know, I just didn't exactly know how to open up to people.

"Yeah." Shayne shrugged, sitting in the armchair beside the couch. "Mad that I'm winning the potential work spouse wars?"

"A little!" Courtney gasped, turning toward me. "I'm going to beat him. You will be my work wife!"

"But, what about Olivia?" I playfully inquired.

"I'll leave her for you." Courtney announced dramatically.

"Or, you'll pull a Karl Jacobs and have two work spouses!" I gasped just as dramatically, clutching my invisible pearls. "I can't bear the thought!"

"Honestly, I would've taken Karl up on his fourth fiancé offer." Courtney snickered.

"You don't know what it's like behind the scenes!" I groaned, throwing my head back onto the couch. "They really flirt with each other over discord, and when they're actually together, it's like watching a poly couple try to bring in another member. That being me."

"Sounds like fun, honestly." Shayne shrugged.

"You take three fully grown men who convinced themselves that they're fiancés to a Target." I challenged Shayne with a playful smirk. "They'd eat you right up, Shayne. They'll follow you around the store, just like they did me, and they'll use anything they can get their hands on to woo you."

"Sounds like toddlers in a store." Courtney snickered.

"It is." I nodded. "And Alex really does curse like his life depends on it, but Sapnap is less of a where's my hug at, and more of a hey mamas. Karl's perfect though."

"Can we meet them?" Courtney mused. "It would be fun to record something with them."

"I'll work something out." I hummed, sipping more of the coffee Shayne got for me. "They'd love it."


A week after talking with Courtney and Shayne, I managed to convince all three boys to fly to my big, empty house, and collab with me on Smosh. Of course, their only stipulation was that they got to post the first image of my face on social media. I agreed, mostly because I didn't want to see what people had to say about my face. I avidly ignored the comments section on YouTube, and I turned my instagram notifications off the second my followers surpassed 900.

Ian had been excited about the idea of the boys collabing with us, and opted to do video games IRL for the collab. Meaning, Ian would spend the next two shooting days we had with the boys carting us around to different places where different courses were set. He had planned everything exactly the way we needed to ensure no time was wasted during the shooting days, which only left their arrival that he hadn't planned for. I told him not to worry, and that I would go pick them up, and vlog it for Smosh Pit. He agreed with my plan, insisting I take Shayne with me.

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