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Four || Fashion

"Perfect!" I cheered, grinning up at Shayne. "I thought you said you couldn't cook."

"I can make simple stuff, but I've never made pizza from scratch."

"You're gonna love it." I beamed. "I make it all the time for my cousin, and he loves it so much he rants and raves about it in his show."

"I believe it." Shayne smiled gently at me. He gently reached over and brushed a loose strand of hair from my face, tucking it tenderly behind my ear. His hand caressed my cheek gently, tilting my face slightly upward so our eyes met. "Birdie?"

"Yeah?" I whispered, leaning up slightly.

"Can I tell you something?" He breathed, leaning closer to my face.

"Anything." I muttered, scanning his blue eyes.

"I find you incredibly attractive." Shayne blushed, watching my face closely.

"Weird." I murmured, watching his face fall slightly. "Because I also find you incredibly attractive."

"Really?" Shayne asked, fighting a smile.

"Are you going to ask me out, or do you want me to do it?" I teased, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Birdie, can I take you out?" Shayne asked, using his free hand to tug me closer by my waist.

"Of course!" I grinned, standing up on my tip toes to press a kiss to Shayne's nose. "I should check on the pizzas."

"Okay." Shayne nodded, pulling his hands from my cheek and waist. I checked the pizzas in the pizza oven, taking them both out. I placed them onto the counter and pulled the pizza slicer out of a drawer. I sliced the pizza up and smiled up at Shayne. "What?"

"Try a slice." I said, gesturing to the pizza. Shayne reached over and picked up a slice, taking a bite. He was silent as he chewed, but after he swallowed, he looked between the pizza and me.

"Birdie, this is the best pizza I've ever eaten." Shayne stated, going to another bite of his slice. I smiled up at him with a blush, happy that he enjoyed the pizza.

"Boys!" I called, swiping three slices from the counter and putting them on a plate behind me. "Pizza!"

Sapnap, Alex, and Karl raced into the kitchen, taking the rest of the slices and darting back into the living room. I giggled at Shayne's shocked expression, and pulled the plate out from behind me.

"Here," I waved the slices in his face. "Snagged these for you. I'll eat a slice, and you can have the rest."

"Thanks." Shayne grinned.


After we ate dinner, I cleaned the kitchen- with Shayne's help- and we all changed into more comfortable clothes before we spread out across my pillowy couches and put a movie on over the projector. Alex was sprawled out beside Sapnap, who was sharing a blanket with Karl. Shayne and I sat beside one another, sharing a big fluffy blanket and a bowl of popcorn.

The boys had decided on The Fast and The Furious, and I had sleepily agreed before curling up between Shayne and Karl. As the movie droned on, I sunk deeper into my plush couch, fighting off sleep despite how exhausted I was. Shayne, unprompted, gently wrapped his arm behind my back, bringing me gently toward his side. My head hit his chest, and I curled into the warmth his body was providing.

Shayne gently pulled our shared blanket up to cover my shoulders, and wrapped his other arm around the front of my torso. I carefully extended my arm to wrap around Shayne's torso, feeling far more comfortable than I did a few minutes ago.

Happiness || Shayne ToppUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum