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Griffin's POV:

"You mean to tell us that by some miracle, you scored her number? That's awesome!" Luka pumped his fist in the air with a laugh but Luna rolled her eyes at the camera which causes him to scoff. "Why aren't you as joyful as me? Are you...jeal—ow!"

"Ignore him. I'm happy for you, Griffin, but don't forget she just got cheated on. Just because you two had one friendly exchange, don't immediately assume she's ready for a relationship. Start easy. Be her friend until you two can have that conversation later down the line."

I adjust the headphones in my ear, glancing at my mom through the rearview mirror to see her full attention was on the road. "Yeah, I know. I think she tried to ask to hang out yesterday but...we sort of got interrupted." I whisper. "I'm not even sure if she's serious about tutoring me."

"Well it doesn't hurt to ask." Luka snorted. "She was the one who initiated it in the first place."

"I can't."

"Why not?" Luna questioned.

I aim the camera to the scenery we were driving passed, showing off that we were no longer in Orange County. "Can't exactly show up to the session if I'm out of town."

"What? Why aren't you home?"

I shrug. "She didn't say. Mom practically woke me up at five in the morning and told me to pack some clothes that'll last me for a week in Beacon Hills. I haven't been here in like six years."

"Is she having her friend watching the house for you guys?"

"Aislin? No way, she can barely watch herself. I guess she called my aunt Andrea last night so she and her daughter are supposed to fly in today to house sit while we're gone."

"Forget that! Did you just say Beacon Hills?" Luka asked in disbelief. "Dude, I've heard some crazy stories about that town."

"Oh god, here we go again." Luna sighed. "I've told you already that if you continue to watch too many conspiracy videos, you'll sound crazier than you already are."

"First of all, ouch. Second, the stories seem true! Have you seen the leaked photos of the damages at their high school?" Luka scoffed. "All the stories of the unexplained murders in the town?"

As the two continued to bicker, Stephanie's name flashes across the screen and immediately my heart quickens. "Normally I'd listen to you two fight but...she's calling." I whisper the last part and the two immediately stop talking.

"Seriously? Dude I'm telling you, she's into you!" Luka exclaimed.

"Or, she's coming to you as a friend! Don't immediately assume!" Luna added and harshly elbowed Luka. "And don't sound like a douchebag."

"Got it. Talk to you guys later." I say before I end the FaceTime call and answer the voice call. "Stephanie hey, how's it going?"

"Hey! Uh...sorry that we didn't get to finish our chat yesterday. I could tell that your mom was ready to give you the lecture." She lightly chuckled. "Didn't want to get on her bad side once we start our tutor session today."

Final Reckoning ➵ Allison Argent (7)Where stories live. Discover now