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Allison's POV:

Since the wolfsbane had more of an effect on Scott to the point where he fell unconscious, Olivia and I had to drag him in through one of the stadium's storage rooms.

I will admit, stabbing him before we arrived at the stadium wasn't my smartest decision.

Once we were inside, I moved his arm off of my neck which caused Olivia to stagger backward against the wall and fall to the floor. "Thanks for the warning." She tiredly mutters. "Need my eyes for a sec."

I stay quiet, ignoring her words and I turn away to place the rest of my weapons on the nearby crates.

I turn back around, my eyes narrow in suspicion at the sight of her unconscious state and I couldn't help but take a few steps toward her.

I crouch down to her eye level in curiosity and tilt my head to the side.

I sew the rest of her wounds and once I finish, I pat her cheek a couple of times.

"Liv, wake up." I shake her a couple of times but her head falls limp. "You're not dying here, not now. Please. I need you, please don't leave me. Please." I plead, cupping her cheek so she could face me.

Instantly her eyes shoot open, gasping for air as she frantically looks around which causes me to pull back a bit.

"I-It's all my fault." She whispers as she looks down in shame. "If I hadn't been so damn stubborn in trying to be the hero, Derek wouldn't have had to save me."

"Liv, look at me." I tilt her chin up and her eyes lock with mine. "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay."

She lifts her hand to tuck in a couple of strands of my hair behind my ear, giving a small smile.

She looks down at her stitched wounds and lets out a soft chuckle. "Did you do that?" I nod. She leans her head back on the wall. "Nice job."

I shake my head, breaking away from the memory as an ache begins to ripple in my head. The hell?

I look back up at Olivia.

That memory... didn't look recent. That version of Olivia—well, both of us seemed younger.

The warmth of her cheek when I cupped the side of her felt so real.

I hesitantly reach to move the strands of her hair, pushing them to tuck behind her ear. "Olivia..."

"Yes, she's charming." The chilling voice of my mother breaks me from my thoughts. "History is replete with charming killers. Especially with Scott, he's still a killer. She's defending a killer."

"What am I even doing here? This..." I mutter as I shake my head in disagreement. "this can't be the right thing to do."

"Don't get lost in useless moral quandaries, Allison." She immediately snapped. "Stick to the plan. Your father is on his way here right now."

I stand up from my spot at the mention of his name, remembering the way his eyes widened as soon as he saw me in the hospital. Almost in pure disbelief.

"I saw him at the hospital." I whisper. "That was him."

"No, he's on his way and he's bringing Peter Hale. You remember what that monster did to Kate?" She emphasized with a distorted growl, circling me. "He ripped her throat out with his claws. He'll do the same to you if he gets the chance. Don't you remember how they burned us? We lost years. Can't you feel that life stolen from you?"

Final Reckoning ➵ Allison Argent (7)Where stories live. Discover now