As they soared further from the castle and over the lake, Alayna laughed. She had thought flying on a broom was amazing. Riding on a hippogriff was just as incredible. The sun was just starting to set, turning the sky a bright orange and in turn the lake waters below reflected that color.

"This is amazing!" she shouted to Natty as the brown hippogriff slowed to fly next to Highwing.

"I've never ridden a hippogriff before. This is fun!" Natty shouted back. Highwing screeched and the pair of hippogriffs dove down towards the water until they were flying just above it. They curved in their flight pattern to circle Hogwarts castle, flying higher once more when they reached land. Highwing guided them back to the same clearing Alayna had first met her in and there they landed. Alayna slid off her back, giving her some well-earned scratches.

"Did you find anything?" she asked Natty.

"A letter to Harlow from Rookwood. Although, I worry it won't be enough for Officer Singer to act on," Natty sighed and pulled the paper out of her pocket.

"You mean she won't want to do anything," Alayna added. "I get the feeling the only way she would arrest Harlow is if he started attacking Hogsmeade itself."

"You're not wrong. But if we get enough evidence we could even go to the Ministry. They would have to do something then."

"Will they though, Natty? Everyone knows the poachers are in the Forbidden Forest. Everyone knows they go into Hogsmeade on the regular, but no one does anything. Who's to say they ever will?" Alayna didn't mean to be pessimistic, but she knew she was right by the expression that came over Natty's face.

"They have to. Once we have enough evidence." There Natty was again with her insistence. Alayna had to credit her for wanting to push forward even after almost being cornered by a bunch of poachers on a roof. And, of course, she still wasn't going to let her do this alone.

"Alright, we'll keep looking."

Alayna turned back to Highwing and the brown hippogriff then. Highwing had already escaped poachers once before this. Now this was two times she'd been caught by them. She stepped closer to the hippogriff and scratched her neck.

"Highwing, how would you like to come stay in a safe place where poachers won't be able to get you? Your friend too," Alayna asked. It was clear to her that Highwing really did understand her in some way. The hippogriff let out a few short screeches and nudged her.

"Alright, alright," Alayna laughed. "Don't worry, I'll let Poppy know where you are too and she can come visit." She pulled out the nabsack and vacuumed both Highwing and the brown hippogriff into it. She would have to talk to Poppy about keeping Highwing in the Room of Requirement to make sure she was okay with it, but she had a strong feeling she would.

For now though, she had Astronomy class to get to so she and Natty hurried back inside the castle. Alayna didn't even have time to take Highwing and her friend to the Room until the following day.

"I rescued two hippogriffs from poachers," Alayna told Deek the story when she arrived in the Room. "Although I'm worried having large magical creatures mixed with smaller ones might not be a great idea."

As if on cue, the Room began to shake in response to her thoughts. To their upper right, the bookshelves and part of the wall folded back to form an upper walkway instead. In an alcove up there grew a circular glass greenhouse, like a pumpkin from a certain fairytale that grew into a carriage.

"Another space!" Alayna ran up the stairs that formed in what had formerly been a small alcove with a statue. As soon as the space was done transforming, she entered the greenhouse.

In the Shadow of Power - Hogwarts LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now