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Scene 1.


Zion-We finally meet, Noah...

Matt-Why do you keep calling me that? My name is Matt.

Zion smiled.

Zion-You are a guardian and Vega unknowingly crossed paths with you.

Matt-Vega? How do you know about Vega?

Zion-We've met a few times, arrogant isn't he?

Matt smiled.

Matt-He was my mentor and I never got the chance to say goodbye.

Zion-He is alive and well, but that is another world, you were entrusted with that pen, to protect the worlds once the veils are broken.

Matt-Okay back up, what worlds? What veil? Is this some kinda side effect from being in that book or something?


Matt-Stop calling me that, this is freaking me out, okay...just hold on...

He started to pinch himself as Zion stood there patiently looking at him.

Matt-Okay I'm not waking up.

Zion-You and the chosen few were teleported into another world because you all have a role to play,  the pen teleported you there and thus acknowledging you as the holder of Pen Of Destinies ...

Matt looked at him.

Matt-What does that mean?

Zion-It means now you can walk into any of the book worlds and fix the veil.

Matt-What veil?

Zion-The veil was broken because I couldn't fix it in time.

Matt-So this is all your fault?

Zion-No, it's all Cepheus's fault and then Klaus of Saturn, and Hibiki and Ophiuchus.

Matt was looking at him blinking blankly.

Matt-Okay for argument's sake let's say what you're telling me is true and I am now the holder of pen of destinies, who can magically walk into any book worlds, what does that do exactly?

Zion-You will be summoned into the worlds where you need to save and help the characters to move on or give them their happy endings, there will be limited time and if you fail... you will see the that world collapse and lose the ones in that book forever, they will either be trapped in never ending loops or cease to exist in the most painful manner, until you learn to do your job correctly.

Matt-Great no pressure....

Zion smiled.

Zion-You remind me of my friend, he too was very humorous.

Matt-Okay how do I just unbecome this pen holding person.

Zion-You cannot,  the pen was entrusted to you by the heir to the Virgo tribe Vega the Guardian of Maiden.

Matt was looking at him speechless.

Zion-The pen can only be passed to someone else by the keeper, if he is sure he's going to die or the pen will itself choose a different keeper, seeing how the pen stayed with you, it means it trusts you because you have a pure heart...

Matt-What if I don't want to go to these worlds...

Zion-You cannot go against destiny, you can try to avoid it temporarily and try to make it on your own.

Matt-I don't believe in destiny, I write my own story.

Zion smiled.

Zion-And how do you know the story you are writing isn't your destiny?

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