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Matt woke up in an unfamiliar room, he looked around and ran towards the window. The sky was clear and everything was fine, the trees in green and the sun shining. He looked around and saw two books and two pens on his desk. He picked up the book and it was one of his comics and the pen was  from his own brand. He looked around the kitchen, the bedroom and opened the closets and saw two hoodies hanging from there with the characters from his own comic on them.

Matt-What is going on? Where the hell am I?

He washed up and got out, his hands in his pocket he saw a blue bird on the fountain, he walked further and saw an old woman giving a little boy a candy as the boy sat on his bicycle and rode off.

Matt-Excuse me, where am I? what is this town called?

The woman smiled and walked away.

Matt-Really? Just going to ignore me?

He continued walking as he saw the green light turn red he stood on the side walk and saw a little girl running to the street not noticing the red light as he tried to warn the little girl it was too late and saw how the girl got hit by a car. Matt jumped up and again he found himself in the same room. The same setting, the same pens and books and the hoodies, he washed up and got out and saw the same blue bird on the fountains, the old lady giving the candy, the same little boy and his bicycle and the same accident. The next day he woke up again in the same setting, this kept on for three times.

Matt-I am stuck in time?...

He got out again this time he didn't walk to the street where the accident happened.

Woman-You're not going to move?

Matt turned and saw a woman smiling.

Woman-Matt Mathews.

Matt-How do you know who I am?

Woman-Oh umm well... guess I'm in the same situation as you...

Matt looked at her confused.

Woman-Tell me, what is it that you want?

Matt-Um what? I mean a lot of things I suppose but I want to know what the hell is going on and how do I leave this place?

Woman-Do you know how you got here?

Matt-I can't remember it.

The woman smiled.

Woman-You are the only one who can fix this you know...

Matt looked at her confused.

Woman-Alright, since you are connected to Vega, and I love Vega he is magnificent, I swear that guy is just perfect.

Matt-How do you know Vega?!

Woman-I'll give you a hint.

Matt looked at her.

Woman-Look at your settings carefully what does this place look like?...

Matt looked around as he started to see the details

Matt-This looks like the place I drew out for my blank book, the fountain is the romantic setting for the main characters....wait...

He turned to talk to the woman but she wasn't there anymore, Matt hurried home as he started to look through the books that were on his table.

Matt-The pages are blank!

Only the locations and the character names were written on the first page.

BLACKOUTМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя