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Sunjay was researching on his computer, looking through all the names of the fans that were in Matt's page and the posts, the comments,  the likes...

Sunjay-Vivi, Adi they're the ones...

He took off his glasses and starred at the screen.

The nurses went in.

Sunjay-I told you I'm fine...

Nurse-It's the doctor's orders, you need rest.

They forced Sunjay to go to bed after taking his medication as Sunjay continued thinking about Adi.




Laura called Mitsuki.

Laura-I cannot believe you just believed him!

Mitsuki-Okay, can you not yell at me, I'm sick.

Laura-Mitsuki the guy stole my script, and sold it to you it's like he's mocking me.

Mitsuki started coughing.

Laura-What is wrong with you? How did you get sick?

Mitsuki-Your concern for me is so touching.

Laura-Stop being so dramatic, of course I'm worried about you but you have your girlfriend there.

Mitsuki looked at Vivi who was cooking in the kitchen and smiled.

Mitsuki-Yea she's awesome.


Mitsuki-Once I'm better I promise I'll fix this.

Laura-Thanks and hope you get better soon.

Mitsuki-So I can fix your problem.

Laura-AghI hate you.

Mitsuki chuckled as Laura hanged up annoyed fuming with rage.




Johnny locked his studio as he was talking on the phone.

Johnny-No, Adi I'm taking off for a while, you know travel around.

Adi-Do you have the money to do that?

Johnny looked at the money he had in the envelope.

Johnny-Of course...

He smirked.

Adi-I'll miss you and keep in touch...

Johnny-I will.

He hanged up and got a text from Laura.

Laura-You're not gonna get away with this.

Johnny-You wanted to play games with me,I just know the rules a bit better little one, have fun with  your girly boy toy.

He smirked and left and got on his motorcycle and started to ride away...

In Matt's apartment, the pen started glowing as Matt looked at the character names. Johnny's name started erasing as Matt started writing with Kyo looking on.

Johnny was almost out of the street as he vanished into thin air, and in the real world, Johnny woke up in the hospital as he looked around confused...




After hanging up with Laura, Mitsuki started to forget what he was talking with his sister...

Mitsuki-Vivi, can you bring me water?

Vivi got him a glass of water as she helped him to drink it.

Mitsuki-I'm sorry.

Vivi looked at him.

Mitsuki-I didn't want you to see me like this?

Vivi-You know you're kinda cute when you're not all catty.


Vivi chuckled.

Vivi-Yea, everytime you act up I imagine you with cat ears.

Mitsuki-I don't know what to say to that, you have an interesting imagination...

Vivi chuckled.

Vivi-Come on, you gotta rest, I'm gonna go get some stuff from the grocery store.

Mitsuki-How long you gonna be gone?

Vivi looked at him.

Vivi-Awwww are you gonna miss me?


Vivi wore her shoes.

Vivi-I won't be long promise...

Mitsuki-Vivi...just be careful ...

Vivi smiled.

Mitsuki-And...never mind.

Vivi got out.




Matt was writing as he stopped and looked at Kyo.

Matt-Can I help you.?

Kyo-Are you kidding me?

Matt-Who are you?

Kyo-I'm Kyo and you're Matt now hurry and write us out.


Kyo-Oh why? Why is this happening to me? First I gotta calm Mitsuki down to not kill Haru, and then I gotta calm Haru down and his arrogance,  and now I am trapped in this damn place with an idiot who won't remember who he is. I'm a good person why is this happening to me?

Matt-Are you having an outburst?

Kyo looked at Matt annoyed.

Kyo-Listen to me!

Matt-Oh! The blackout! Right! I just wrote out Johnny!

Kyo jumped back looking at Matt.

Matt-Kyo I'm starting to forget my identity and if I do again, you need to remind me who I am...

Kyo-What happens if you forget who you are?

Matt looked at Kyo.

Matt-If I haven't taken out all the characters we all get trapped in here forever.

Kyo-And if you write all of them out?

Matt-Then they have their happy endings and back in the real world and my job as a writer is done...

Kyo-Okay another question why are you forgetting?

Matt-Because we do not belong in this world, it's like that isn't it?---in every world our time is limited, let's make the best of it.

Kyo was worried as Matt continued looking at his characters...



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