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NARRATOR- Writing was my therapy, I always escaped to my special world and forgot all the sorrows I had to endure in the system until I reached 18 and finally was on my own. I never believed in the power of social media, until my writing became so famous that the famous Vega Vito personally recruited me to be his student and help me grow as a writer. I'm Matt, I'm 21 years old writer, my writings have been published in different websites and have gotten really famous. Why? Because my writings are about fantasy that has a modern twist and I relate the struggles of my characters to the people living in the real world. I have my own brand of pens and hoodies, I like fashion, I think it's important how a person represents themselves. Before I got stuck here I was going to write the blank book I had been putting on hold for months, I wanted to present my new writing during the meet and greet, that was going to happen in a week in the beautiful country of India. My mentor Vega disappeared and I lost another person I loved and respected, just like my parents and my little brother.My parents were killed in a car crash when I was 4 and my little brother...he was adopted when he was 2 and we were forever separated.I tried finding him but no luck. So why am I here? Because I am stuck in my own writing that's right, you might not believe me but I'm here. I'm stuck in the town and location I created for my blank book....and I have no idea how to get out but wait it gets worse. I can't remember what I was doing before I got here and as the days go by I am losing memories of my life in the real world So whoever is reading this, I am aware that I'm in the book, please be patient because I will find a way to get out whatever it takes I will find my way home and continue the search for my little brother...





Matt was in his apartment talking on the phone.

Matt-He just disappeared? How is that possible?...look I am patient, I haven't seen my brother since I was 6, I don't even know what he looks like...

A door knock was heard as Matt hanged up and opened the door.

Vega-Well hello to you too, you look awful.

Matt-Thanks, come in.

Vega went in looking around.

Vega-Why are the curtains closed?

Matt-I like the darkness, I can concentrate on my stories.

Vega-Yes because being you is so hard.

Matt looked at him annoyed as they sat and Matt brought water for Vega.

Vega-I have something for you...

He took out a pen.

Matt-A pen? Really? You don't give out many gifts, do you?

Vega-This is a magic pen..

Matt-Magic? Really?

Vega-Yea, now shut up and hang it from around your neck.

Matt-I have better necklaces.

Vega-Matt this is the first pen I ever wrote with when I was in Star...


Vega cleared his throat.

Vega-My first fantasy writing.


Matt got the pen and hanged it around his neck.


Vega smiled and stood up.

Vega-I might leave town...

Matt-Where you going?

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