cake and hospitals again....

19 1 0

^ Jagger pov

Tom was good but not great and in order for everything to go according to plan things needed to get done right. Like everyone says if someone else can't do it for you then you have to do it yourself. I didn't really want to rid the world of y/n but it will help with something much greater. My boss is the one that needs everything but I somehow got roped into all of this. I do live life in a boyband with my great friends but this is like my secret life. I'm like Batman or something. y/n is the love of my life and I don't want to do this but I have to. This won't be easy because I wasn't supposed to fall in love with her but ironically I did. If big things, that I won't mention, weren't on the line for me then I wouldn't be trying to kill my wife because I want to continue this "act" that I have with her but for real. In the time that I have explained my life I have put some nightshade in a slice of y/n's favorite cake. It's only 7:00 so I could head home early.

*at home*

I finally pulled into the driveway, walking inside I found y/n washing the dishes from making dinner. Slowly and quietly I make my way over to her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Hi baby" I whisper kind of sadly.

"Hey I thought you weren't coming back until later tonight?"

"I actually got everything finished early and even had some time to pick up a slice of your favorite cake on the way home."

"Awe bubs you didn't have to" she said, giving me a hug and making me feel worse.

"I know but I wanted to." I said as she began to take a bite.

"Want a bite?"

"No thank you I had some on the way here"

"Oh ok"

^ y/n pov

"Oh ok" I said. I knew there was something going on. Jagger is acting weird, sympathetic almost. He never does unless something is really bothering him.

"Bubs, are you ok?" I asked sincerely.

"Yes just a long day and I'm tired"

"Well then let's get you to bed" I said walking with him to our bedroom.

*timeskip to 1 o'clock at night*

My stomach hurt so bad, my body felt weak and I even checked my camera on my phone and I looked pale. I figured I just had the stomach virus or something. Waking jagger up about it was not an option because he doesn't do well with sick people. I was awake trying to fight this when I heard Jagger's phone ring and heard him answer while standing up.

"Hello..... Yes I put the nightshade in the cake.........she ate some of I'm not outside she's a heavy sleeper.......ok I will deal with it in the morning.....right goodbye sir." he said to the phone. Wait....HE PUT NIGHTSHADE POISONING IN THE CAKE!!!! And he doesn't care? When I know he is full asleep I'm taking myself to the hospital.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. I quietly packed a small bag and began my walk to the hospital. My body couldn't handle driving and is barely able to handle walking. I was walking down a street seeing so many people but my vision was blurry and I had already thrown up in an alleyway. A person bumped into me and caused me to fall, staying down I began to lose consciousness.

"hey..... y/n? Y/N! Omg are you okay you look so pale." The person I saw was a friend of mine I had met doing social media for work. It was Pearce Joza. After that I blacked out and I was probably going to die. 

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