blissful mornings

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 The next morning I woke up and looked out onto the balcony. Slowly I stood up and made my way to the kitchen, making myself a cup of tea and walking out to the balcony. I stood there and just looked out onto the beach. The hotel was right on the beach and all we had to do was walk out the back doors and down the boardwalk. I smiled as I breathed in the ocean air, listening to the waves crash and the birds sing, while I sipped on my tea. All of sudden I feel a pair of arms slip around my waist and a body against mine with a face in my neck. Light kisses were placed on my neck as a groggy voice spoke,

"You weren't there when I woke up."

"I'm sorry my love, I was just enjoying the sunrise and the peacefulness." I said, turning around in his arms.

"You look beautiful in the sunlight, no makeup, hair undone, and just your natural beauty." he said looking in my eyes.

"Well thank you and I must say you look very handsome as well." I said smiling.

"So what are we going to do today?" He asked as we walked back into the suite.

"I say we go to the beach and then go out for dinner?" I suggested taking my cup to the sink, washing it out.

"That sounds perfect, but do we have to go right now?" he asked, coming up behind me. His arms wrapped themselves around my frame pulling me into his chest.

"Hm, I don't know why. Is there something you wanted to do?" I asked, playing innocent, turning around in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Maybe." He trailed off as he gave me a smirk. He led me to the bed as he sat on the edge, pulling me onto his lap. After looking between my eyes and lips for a moment he placed his lips on mine gently. His lips fit with mine like a puzzle piece. He had different ways he kissed but I had never seen or felt him be so gentle and soft with it. His hands had made their way to my hair tugging gently which made me come closer to his face. I pushed his chest making him fall backwards onto the soft sheets.

"Time to get ready for the beach." I whispered, walking over to my suitcase. He sat up and looked at me with sad eyes and a pouty face saying,

"That was not a very nice thing to do, baby. Why are you such a tease?"

"Well I did learn from the tease master himself." I said laughing. We changed into our bathing suits which matched, I had a white and black one piece with an open back and Jagger wore black and white shorts. We walked to the beach and I laid a beach towel out and decided to tan a little.

"Baby can you get my back?" Jagger asked, handing me the sunscreen. He sat down in front of me as I placed some of the lotion-like substance in my hands. As I rubbed it in I gave him a little massage. He let out a sigh of relief as he leaned back onto my body. I laughed and proceeded to grab the bottle, putting more of the product in my hand. I rubbed it on my legs, arms, and chest. I tried to reach my back but failed. Jagger looked at me with one of his cute little smiles and raised his eyebrows as if asking me if I needed help. He grabbed the bottle and placed the sunscreen on my back. We tanned and played in the water until about four-thirty. When we arrived back to the room we began to shower, separately and get ready. He walked out of the shower with his clothes on and my eyes could not leave him. His suit fit just right and made him look extremely attractive, good thing I married him. He wore a pair of black dress pants with a red dress shirt and black jacket. My dress was red, matching his shirt color, and flowy with a mid-length sleeve. We decided upon going to a sushi bar not too far from the hotel. We had a great time, trying new foods, taking a couple pictures, and just having a good talk. As we were walking back to the hotel the smell of the freshly cut roses made me take a deep breath through my nose. It was a refreshing scent as we walked to the elevator. Jagger kissed me softly making me smile into the kiss. We got up to our floor so we could go inside the suite. After unlocking the door and walking in the room I walked to the small kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out the bottle of champagne and the bottle of red wine. He grabbed two wine glasses as I opened the fancy bottles. He poured a little bit of the strong liquid into the glasses. We walked outside to the balcony and sat in the chairs sipping on our drinks just enjoying the silence. After finishing the small amount of red liquid in my glass, I got up to go and wash it in the sink. When I had finished washing the cup, drying it, and putting it away I walked back out to the balcony where I found my husband standing, looking over the balcony. I walked over to him, placing my arms around his waist as I laid my head on his back.

"I love you. Thank you for this, all of it. You're one of the most precious men I have ever met. You are the best thing that has happened to me. Thank you for loving me. Trust me when I say I'm in it forever." I said as he turned around looking down at me. Tears formed in his eyes as I finished. He wrapped his arms around my waist and just stood there hugging me.

"Baby I love you too. You're my princess. I'm not leaving you ever in a million years. You're the one that I'm gonna run to when everything goes wrong." He said, looking down at me. His hands cupped my cheeks lightly while his thumbs swiped a couple tears from my eyes. We both had a mutual understanding of what was said and both of our hearts fluttered with joy. I looked between his eyes and his lips, leaning in. He closed the distance between us placing his soft lips on my own. We kissed while he backed us into the sweet. The balcony door closed as the kiss began to quicken its pace.

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