☆Chapter 10☆

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"YOU!" Yelled a girl.

I looked where the voice came from.

Oh no. The girl I left.


-- Emily's POV---

Not too far my ass!

I spent hours, long painful hours walking until I arrived at the village, only to see that boy calmly chatting with his friend.

I always considered myself a patient person, but I was too exhausted and thirsty to control my anger.

"YOU!" I yelled as I made my way to the purple-eyed boy. "How could you leave me all alone in a desert, knowing that I'll have to walk for hours! My feet are freaking bleeding because of you!" Maybe I exaggerated, but I didn't care.

"Hey... Are you ok? Do you need any help?" A brown-haired boy asked as he approached me. The purple-eyed boy, however, got into the house.

"No. I'm not ok!" I began sobbing.

"Come with me, I'll give you something to drink."

After leading me to the living room, handing me some water and cleaning me feet, the friendly boy sat in front of me.

"I'm sorry for my friend's behaviour..." He smiled apologetically. "I'm not trying to excuse his actions, but it's just that he has trouble trusting people. Again, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, you shouldn't say that. I'll wait for his apology." I smiled at him.

"Oh, we forgot to introduce ourselves!" Said the boy in front of me.

"My name is Remiel and the guy that you met earlier is Urien." As if it was a cue, Urien placed a plate of bread and a weird sauce in front of me. Then, he sat besides his friend.

Noticing my suspicious glances towards the food, Urien snorted. "Eat. I didn't put any poison on it."

"I'm Emily by the way." I informed while biting a surprisingly tasty piece of bread.

"So, Emily. What were you doing alone in the middle of the desert? And may we know what your clan is?" Continued Remiel.

"I have no idea how I ended up there." I uncomfortably moved on my seat. "I don't know from which clan I am or where to go..."

"That means that you're practically homeless." Interjected Urien, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I am." I frowned at him.

"You can stay with us for a while. I know a person that might help you and take care of you." Offered Remiel.

"What? No, we can't do this Remiel and you know that. We don't have time to bring someone else with us. She'll only slow us down." Urien argued.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure that she doesn't bother our mission. It will only be for some time anyways."

"Remy, she can betray us!"

I was offended.

What's his problem? I didn't do anything...

"She won't. You trust me, right?" They looked at each other for what felt like an eternity.


"Well, I'm still confused." I alternated my gaze between both boys. "Who is the person that can help me again?"

"He's a very trusted friend of ours. He has treated us like family, since we were children. He won't harm you." Reassured Remiel.

"Alright. I trust you I guess..."

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