☆Chapter 7☆

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"Yes, sir" said Remiel as he directed his gaze to... me?

With that I opened my eyes and was welcomed by the view of the ceiling. Suddenly, I felt something burning my chest.

It was my necklace.


I promptly took off my necklace and put it on my nightstand. It was so hot that my skin was red, forming the shape of the necklace.

I looked at my clock. It was one am.

What just happened? It was a...dream?

Everything was so strange and confusing. The people, the place, the eyes that followed me wherever I went, the conversation.

I knew that it was probably a product of my imagination. At least, that's what I should have thought. However, I couldn't take those images out of my head. Everything was as clear as water, as if I was there myself. The whole dream made sense, I doubted that my brain was able to create all that. Normally, my dreams were short and uncoherent.

Even if the dream was confusing, I couldn't stay awake all night. I needed to work that day. Knowing my co-worker, he would make me do everything, since I was away.

With that thought, I closed my eyes.

Breath in.

Breath out.


Breath in.

Everything is fine.

Breath out.


Breath i-

"Oh my god! I need sleep! Why can't you understand brain?!" I whispered-yelled.

I couldn't sleep the entire night.

*Ring! Ring! *

My alarm went off. It was 6 in the morning.

I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for a brand-new day... I guess...

After putting my clothes and hesitantly adding my necklace in my pocket, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. Nevertheless, my mother beat me to it.

"Emily, here's your breakfast."

"Thanks, mom." I said with a smile.

"I forgot to tell you what I discussed with Maya about your job."

"Oh, don't worry mom. Maybe you can tell me tonight."

"I can't. I'll work overtime, so I want you to know that you'll be living in Mega in two days from now."

"What? Can't I just work here at the village? Isn't she expanding her enterprises to our land?"

"Yes, but it was the only option she gave. That means that you should start packing. You'll start working right after you arrive there."

"It feels like you're kicking me out... Anyways, do you know what I'm going to do?"

"I'm not kicking you out, it was your decision remember? Also, you will work at an office, I'm not sure doing what." She explained, while placing Kelly's plate on the table and going to the living room.

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