Chapter 14

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I just couldn't wait to get is chapter up so..heh.. >u<

I made this chapter longer so I hope you guys like it :)

Some Damon shall be going on soon mixed into with all of this Allan and Joey stuff so look forward to hopefully longer chapters ;)

24 for this awesomely double length chapter tht I know guys will probably love hopefully I'm not wrong.. LOL anyway ENJOY! :) and comment and press the button right ova dere? ----> 



Chapter 14

It has been a week since the incident. And yes, by that I meant the whole Cupid's son thing and the ditched appointment. Luckily my Mom didn't get a call from Damon saying that I didn't show up. Perhaps his argument with his father made him forget? Hopefully that  

was the case and my Mom wasn't charged anyway.

Tomorrow I would have to face him again, which I was dreading. But for today, I'm going to relax. My appointments with him were never stable. Sometimes they were on Sundays and sometimes they were on Saturdays. And since my Mom didn't seem to be nagging me to go anywhere today, I'm guessing my appointment is tomorrow.

A Saturday without Damon? This one I'll surely cherish. Look at me, I sound like he's Satan or something. Well, in my opinion he kind of was. No matter who he is or is the son of, he can't tell me who I can and cannot like. Especially if he was dead-set on me and Allan being together.

"Earth to Payton." A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I blinked a few times and shook my head.

"Yeah?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"See? I told you she wasn't paying attention." Lion muttered to his twin.

Huh. The thought just occurred to me that now I knew two set of twins.

"Stop zoning out!" Lucy snapped at me for the second time in less than a minute.

I smiled at her sheepishly, "Sorry."

She rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively.

"As I was saying," She started to repeat whatever I had missed, "We are planning to go swimming during the March break."

March Break! How did I forget about that? It was next week! Thank goodness, I seriously needed a break from school. Will Damon give me the March Break off from his so called 'therapy'? I sure hope so. I don't think I could take anymore of it. And there was also the whole Allan issue. Oh how I wish I could strangle him... Fear not Joey, I will come for you soon. Okay, I just sounded extremely creepy and cheesy right there.

"Outdoor or indoor?" I asked distractedly.

What was I going to do about Allan? Do I 'break up' with him or something while both my Mom and Joey are there so that they both know that I'm not dating him?

A Kiss From CupidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora