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(Rahma's pov)

So this is it, the last day of school, this term has been a whole different experience.

Thinking about all the crazy things that happened this term I couldn't help but smile, But the most memorable part of this term is when I met Asif Ahmad.

The minute he walked into the class, and when our eyes clashed till the moment he took me to his house, sometimes I ask myself if I and Asif are in a relationship.

Well he has not yet asked me to be his girlfriend or anything so I think we are pretty much friends who love each other.

I closed my locker after getting my last text book.
After Closing my locker I turned around with a bright smile, I mean it's literally the last day of school, well not like forever but it's still like taking a break from all the studies.

I jumped in surprised when I found Ibrahim leaning on the locker by my left.

"You scared me!" I said while looking at the black hot guy who has been acting creepy for the past few days we've met.

"Well I was thinking since today is the last day, Maybe I could get your number and we could hang out sometime." Ibrahim said in his usual cool voice but I could sense how nervous he is at the moment.

Wait!, Is the hottest and literally the only black guy in school trying to flirt with me?.

I was about to reject the whole theme of  'hanging out sometimes' But hey, what's the worse that could happen.

And after all I am actually single.

"Yh why not, hanging out together sounds good." I said in a not so confident tone.

I and Ibrahim exchanged numbers and we walked down the hall while heading towards the school's exit door.

"Rahma I'm actually free tomorrow morning, so I was thinking maybe we could go visit a park." Ibrahim said with a glint of happiness in his eyes.

Right now I have this gut feeling which tells me that this isn't going to end up well but instead I say

"Yh, I also happen to be free tomorrow, which park do you want to meet up at?"

"Actually on second thought, I was thinking wouldn't it be great to visit the zoo instead?" Ibrahim asked.

I actually think it will be weird to take a girl you're trying to hit on to the zoo but what's the harm In visiting the zoo?.

I also get to look at cute bunnies if I agree to go to the zoo with him so I said.

"Yh, the zoo sounds interesting."

"So..., It's a date?" Ibrahim asked for confirmation.

Well I wouldn't really call it a date but it'll be rude to say that to him.

"Yh, it's a date." I said.

Ibrahim beamed even brighter after hearing my words.

"Great, send me your address and I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." Ibrahim said and we both said our goodbye before he walked away.

Wait!, What did I just do?, Did I agree to go on my first date with a guy I don't like?, And also to the zoo?

Can my life get any more interesting from now onward?

But if only I knew how much more I am yet to discover.

About myself, my parents, and also about Asif,
Well the life of a Muslim black girl doesn't always end up with happy endings, does it?.

Cheers to me for writing the shortest chapter ever.
I'm dedicating this chapter to my laziness.
In Sha Allah I'll write something even better and more interesting tomorrow.
Thank you for Reading ❤️

LIFE OF A MUSLIM BLACK MELANIN Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin