what actually happened.

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(Rahma's pov)

After telling me everything that happened years back I was now the one consoling my mother as she wept on my shoulders.

Some minutes ago...

"You know, I came back to look for you, but I didn't see you, That day was the was worst day of my life, it was like I lost the two most beloved people to ever exist." She started as her lips quivered with each word.

"After you came to get me to go get your dad..." She suddenly took a deep breath as she talked about dad and I was already getting the wrong feelings for so many reasons

"I looked for him, in the crowd of dead bodies but I couldn't find him, those that attacked us that day didn't just attack the men, they attacked even the women who fought back, before I was able to reach to your dad, they torn off my hijab and left some part of my skin exposed." At this point her voice sounded so fragile and so little.

"I tried so hard to fight back and after tormenting me and other women, they finally left after being satisfied with their work, I bearly had any ounce of strength left in my body and I finally stood up and limped as I looked for your father, and there he was lying on the floor all bruised and bloodied, I walked over to him and thankfully he was still breathing but then it didn't mean that he was safe, so I shouted and cried for help but the area had already been evacuated and I wasn't the only woman crying and shouting for help, but when help reached us, it was too late." My mom said as she broke into more sobs.

"I couldn't move an inch when they declared him dead, and I already zoned out when the case was reported to the Muslim commission of NYC, and they came to our aid, they took all the dead bodies and I couldn't even stop them cause my soul wasn't there at that time, they tried to talk to me, help me get up on my two feets but nothing was working for me, I wasn't having any of it, and after alot of failed attempt and trials from them I somehow managed to convince them that I'll be okay and just needed some time to my self."

"They left, infact everyone eventually left and I remembered I had a daughter, Gosh I'm such a horrible mom." And it was at this point I pulled her to me to embrace her.

She sniffed and then went on with the story.

"I felt miserable for forgetting about you rahma, wallah I did, and I quickly rushed towards where I left you to look for you but you weren't there, I looked for you everywhere but you weren't in sight and that's when I almost lost my mind, I needed help and I needed it fast so I contacted the only family members that I know will always help me, I called your father's family members since mine weren't close to me since I decided to get married to a black man."

"After finding out about what happened they quickly came over to the location I sent them and seeing them made me to break down even more."

"They helped me look for you cause my health condition went downhill and deteriorated, I could bearly move an inch everything that happened"

"And after your dad's family members  did some research, they found out that you're kept in an orphanage, but I didn't want to bring you back in the condition that I was in, so I told them to wait for me to get healthier cause I wanted to get my daughter back myself, and after three weeks I finally recovered completely, I couldn't wait to go and get you,and the day I did they told me that you've already been adopted."

"I requested for files of your adoption and they granted it to me after confirming that I'm your real mother, so I went in search for you again, and after finally coming to the address of those who adopted you, I found out that you moved, I didn't know where but I tried so hard to look for you but nothing seemed to work, I never gave up but I was loosing hope each day about finding you and now you're finally here and I know that you must be angry at me, probably disgusted, because a mother left her child and never came back for her."

"I always had nightmares about what you must have been passing through but whatever method I tried to look for you always failed." She paused and looked up to meet my gaze, then she slowly said "And Allah has finally answered my prayers and I'm so sorry rahma, I truly am, for everything, for not being your mother for years and for depriving you of the motherly love you deserve." She said and I hadn't even realize that I've been crying through out her story.

Gosh I judged her after seeing her for so long and I almost didn't give her a chance to explain, she passed through so much too and I'm not the only one who suffered, she also did and now I'm just glad that she's finally here, in my embrace, I felt sad about what happened to my Dad but in Sha Allah he's doing great in his grave.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about the hurtful events of the past anymore, I want to be happy now that you're here with me, I want us to spend time together, and be happy together, we deserve so much more than what we've both gotten but Allah knows best and he has a good reason for everything he does."

I said as we both kept on embarrassing each other for a very long amount of time before mom finally broke the peacefully silence by saying

"We should probably go back inside, I want you to meet your dad's family members." She said.

We both stood up and made our way through the entrance of the mansion, and upon arriving at the living room I saw, Asif, Ibrahim, Zainab, and probably my Granddad waiting for us.

Relief washed over Asif's features as he saw us, and looking over to Ibrahim I found it funny that he actually happens to be my cousin.

It wouldn't take a genius to know that his mother is probably dad's sister, the similarities between her and dad is visible.

Mom introduced me to everyone in the family and after staying over and spending time with everyone it was finally time to go.

Although mom tried to persuade me into living with them, I had to go back with Asif, I told her I'll definitely come back to live together with them all but I still wanted to be with Asif for a little longer.

After saying our goodbyes, me and Asif finally set off on the road.

I actually felt really light after finding out about everything, at least now I know that I wasn't just some girl that was abandoned by her own parents.

Ma Sha Allah for everything, I had a feeling that the day's to come are going to be blissful in Sha Allah.

I just wanted to write a warning
If by any chance someone out there is selling my book and using it to gain money I'll advise you to stop now before I really get upset about it.
Or at least contact me and ask for my permission before doing such things.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment 🍒

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