"Bryson Carter," he said, as he shut the door behind him.

"Well, Mr. Carter, take a seat. We're going to be doing introductions." He nodded and his eyes searched the room. They locked on mine, and a smile spread across his face. He made his way to the back of the room, taking the seat next to mine.

"For the love of god," I mumbled to myself. I kept my focus between my notebook and the teacher as we began introductions.

"Allister," Bryson said. He had his signature smirk on his face.

"We both know this semester will be easier if we just leave each other alone." He chuckled as he leaned back in his seat. Bryson was Emmy's brother, but we despised each other. He didn't like me from day one, and I knew his goal was to make my life a living hell. Luckily the conversation died there, and I could focus.


"Alright class, do the worksheet and I gave y'all, and please, have it done for tomorrow. You're dismissed." I gathered my books and placed them in my bag. I waited for Bryson to leave, but he stayed planted in his seat, so I grabbed my bag and got up. Bryson got up right behind me and followed me out into the hallway.

"What do you want, Bryson?" He smiled at me as we walked down the hall. People were glaring at us left and right. I don't blame them. Bryson was popular, and me? Well, I just did what I had to in order to make it through.

"I just miss my little sisters best friend." I laughed, not because it was funny, but because it was a joke. "Since when were we on a first name basis?" I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking.

"Just doing whatever it takes to get away from you." He laughed, and I kept walking. If he really wanted to talk to me, he could wait until I was at his house. I didn't want shit to start spreading at school.


"How was your first round of classes?" Emmy asked as she set her tray down on the table. I shrugged, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"I have class with your brother." Emmy's jaw dropped, and then she burst into laughter.

"Lord have mercy on our souls." I busted out laughing. "It's hard enough to have you guys under the same roof, let alone in the same room." She was right. We never failed to argue about something. I think he did it just to piss me off.

"No kidding. This is gonna be the semester from hell." She shot me a sympathetic smile and patted my back.

"Just don't kill each other. I don't know what I would do without you guys." I smirked.

"No promises." The bell rang for lunch to be over. Emmy and I headed towards the trash to put our trays away.

"I'll meet you in the parking lot after school? I need a ride." I nodded, and she gave me a quick hug before running off with some of her cheerleading friends.


A sub on the first day? I thought to myself. We hadn't done anything in this class. We were suppose to be working on homework, but I had completed mine during my study hall. I rested my head on the desk, not wanting to go home but not wanting to be here. When the bell, signaling school was over, rang I grabbed my bag and rushed out to the parking lot. Maybe Emmy had something in mind.

She was already standing by my car when I got there.

"What are your plans for now?" I blurted out without thinking. She laughed.

"Well hello to you too. I don't have anything planned. Don't want to go home?" I shook my head.

"I'd rather spend time with your asshole of a brother before ever going home." Emmy laughed again, pulling me into a hug.

"Well, my house it is."


"Mom, we're home," Emmy yelled as we walked inside.

"Hi, girls," Emmys mom said as she pulled Emmy into a hug.

"Hi, Mrs. Carter," I said with a smile. She wrapped me up in a hug.

"Now, Riley, you know better than to call me that." It was true. I had known the Carter's since we first moved up here when I was in fifth grade. Emmy and I hit it off immediately.

"I'm sorry, momma C." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"Dinner will be ready by five." Emmy and I nodded then ran up the stairs to her room. We dropped our bags and collapsed on her bed.

"There's a party Friday night. You should go," Emmy said, catching me off guard. I didn't go to parties very often, only because I usually wasn't allowed.

"Yeah, I'll try!" Emmy shot me a sympathetic smile.

"I will do anything it takes to keep you out of that house."

Hey guys! Welcome to the first chapter of my new story! Again, I want to give a shoutout to admissable for the amazing idea! I really hope you all enjoy the story. I'm planning some crazy ideas for this story, and I hope you'll join me for the journey!

What do you think about the 'woman' at Riley's house? Who do you think it is? How about Emmy?

The picture shown is Riley's outfit for school.

I'm open to any suggestions you guys have to make this story strong and awesome! So feel free to comment or message me ideas.

Teaser: school on Friday, and maybe a party!?

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