Chapter 30 - Unpleasant Situations

Start from the beginning

"Ah, yes how amusing. Well... as much as I'd like to hear about the details of your trauma, you still must bring the rest of the materials which you have in your ownership to us. We've prepared all our portals and spells to let mortals like you to enter and visit Pentrageus."

A cold shudder ran through General Cole's shoulder blades once the demonic lord mentioned planet Pentrageus. The grey bean had distinctly heard about that planet before from Lord Mobulous: He even visited that planet a few times. A planet, in all intents and purposes, that was easily compared to hell. A place not even the machiavelilian Cole would like to visit nor to step one foot onto its surface ever again in his life.

"My Lord...", General Cole tried to convince the demonic lord to consider a different plan than making him visit the hellish planet. He was sunk deeply in discomfort and fear. "Is visiting Pentrageus really necessary?"

"Don't tell me you are too scared to come over for a short visit, General?" The Lord sarcastically asked, sensing his helping hand's fears.

"Not exactly, it's..."

"Shut your mouth in an instant, General!" The lord yelled and interrupted him. "I know you are lying. Save your talent of lying for mortal beings like you. Now, either you come visit us to bring the material to us or we'll take care of the rest of your... beloved family."

It was way too obvious for General Cole what his lord meant by family. He meant Camilla. The demon was threatening the general directly. Another sweat drop was seen on Cole's forehead and the slate bean became even more nervous and terrified. The least he wanted was that Camilla got hurt even more or worse... She was the only one she still had. Well, except his brother Captain Corak but the Lord didn't know about Corak's existence yet, and Cole hoped it'll stay this way before he got the idea to also hurt his brother. It was already enough for the General that the dark lord knew about Cole's wife.

"You have the choice." The demonic lord kept pressuring the general to answer him.

It didn't take too long for the general to quickly nod in acceptance to an agreement to visit Pentrageus anyway and swiftly deactivated his communication chip right away, to block off the contact with Lord Mobulous.

In the exact same moment, a visitor arrived unannounced into his room: his brother, Captain Corak. Extremely startled to have a sudden visitor bursting into his quarter, Cole swung his head wildly around to have a look at whoever it was disturbing him without announcing first. One minute earlier, and his brother would have interrupted the conversation with Mobulous and would have met the lord as well. A Scenario that General Cole wanted desperately to avoid at all costs.

"Corak!" General Cole said his name loudly; frustrated, startled and in shock. "I told you several times to not enter my room without announcing beforehand!"

"Oh right, sorry brother. I keep forgetting about it." Corak openly admitted and saw how his brother quickly hid something from him behind his back. Corak's curiosity grew. "I've seen you visiting the medical station a few times by now, brother. Are there any concerning issues?"

"Those issues are none of your business." The general said sternly.

"Hm, okay then but what are you hiding behind your back?" His brother kept asking and Cole took his communication chip out and sighed.

"I was on a conference call with someone on the communications chip; a friend of mine. Only for a short chat", And that wasn't even a lie. Well, most of it... "Anyhow, Corak, why did you follow me to my sleeping quarters? Shouldn't you take care of your crew?" Cole then asked.

"My crew is just doing fine without me for now. I kept them busy with useful and some long and annoying tasks, just to have some more time for myself." The lighter grey one openly admitted to his brother. But Cole didn't seem to care what kind of tasks his brother gave to his crew members, as so long as he didn't do anything too stupid as to point any suspicion at him.

Another frustrated sigh came from Cole and he stuffed his chip back into the place where it belonged.

"As much as I'd like to chat with you more, Corak", Cole wasn't thinking before he mumbled this sentence first, before he said the following: "I must go somewhere... and I wish that no one should follow me. No one, not even Lord Pitch. Make sure of that while I am gone."

"Of course, brother." Corak said.

Still left in confusion, Corak gullibly nodded to his brother's command. The general went out to walk the brisk path to the space shuttles. He had the material hidden inside his cape and hoped, whilst he was gone, that Camilla would recover as fast as possible.

Back down on planet Walderan, The guards held onto Captain Hawk and his colleagues roughly, gripping on their bodies and clothes to guide them into the underground prisons. Standing at a safe distance, Princess Lumina was still in shock to witness what her father was doing with them. She had so much fun with Starla, she refused to believe that they were bad people. They had all been nothing but helpful and kind. A tear formed on the white bean's visor, saddened and in disbelief, the young one removed her mother's hands which were hugging her in a protective manner, by moving her body out of the way of her mother's gentle hold. Her hybrid wings she had fluttered for a second out of huge disbelief.

"Lumina", Her mother began once her daughter freed herself from the protective hug. "I want you to go upstairs to your room. Your father and I will take care of this situation."

"No!" But Lumina refused, tears pooling on her face. "I don't want to believe that they are bad people."

"My daughter, you have to listen to us. Go to your room." Queen Shalona kept pressuring her, even though her father did hear the turmoil behind him. He was still in his Mothra form.
"Princess Lumina." With a more strict voice, her mother said her name. Ashton, from behind the turmoil, turned around to have a look of what was happening with his family. He only saw how frustrated his daughter was, and how she stepped back from her mother only to run away back upstairs to her room after she said:

"You don't understand it! They are not bad people, and I will prove to you that!"

That unexpected energy of Princess Lumina left Queen Shalona in s sense irritation and all she could do was watch her daughter running to the direction where her room was. Well, at least Lumina led them to think that she was running to her room. The princess actually had pretended to go to her room, stopping running after she passed the corner and out of sight, which also led her to another long hall. The young one took control of her breathing before she did anything else. Lumina made a long sigh once her breathing began to calm from all the running and had only one thought in her mind: to save her friends and to prove to her parents that they weren't bad people as they thought they were. 


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