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One week has passed since I enrolled in this school, yet I've barely ventured beyond the confines of my room. Lost in my own digital world, I while away the hours, absorbed in the glow of my phone. As I sit up, glancing at the time, I realize it's the weekend-a welcome break from the monotony of school. However, taking a quick scan of my disheveled surroundings, I realize I desperately need to replenish my meager supply of groceries. Just as I contemplate getting up, my phone jolts to life, emitting a faint vibration and a soft ting. Curiosity piqued, I snatched it up, my eyes fixated on the screen, where a text message from Matsushita. I wonder what she could possibly want at this moment.

I opened the text message. Matsushita's cheerful greeting greeted me on the screen.

"Heya! Ayanokoji-kun. Good morning! 😉" her message read.

My fingers danced across the phone's keyboard as I swiftly replied, "Good morning." The seconds stretched into minutes, and finally, her response appeared on the screen.

"Since it's the weekend. Wanna hangout? My friends included,"

I contemplated the potential burdens and disruptions that a hangout might entail. Weighing the options in my mind, I tapped out a reply, "Sorry Matsushita, I will have to decline. As I am busy with something I have to do."

Silence settled in for what felt like an eternity, punctuated only by the soft hum of my phone. Then, breaking the quiet, a new message arrived, filled with a mix of understanding and a tinge of disappointment.

"Aww~ oh well, good luck with your...something! 😁" Matsushita's text conveyed a hint of playfulness, a gentle acknowledgement of my decision.

Setting my phone aside, I prepare myself for a trip to the grocery store.


Stepping out of the cozy dormitory, I emerged into the crisp morning air that held the promise of a new day. The sun had just begun its ascent, casting a soft golden glow on the surroundings. With the early hour, the streets appeared pleasantly serene, as if they were still stirring from their slumber.

Determined to make the most of this peaceful moment, I set my sights on the grocery store a short distance away. Each step I took seemed to resonate with the awakening of the world around me. The gentle rustle of leaves in the nearby trees accompanied my journey, while the occasional chirping of birds added a delightful soundtrack to my early morning stroll.

As I approached the front of the grocery store, the building stood proudly before me, its glass windows reflecting the warm sunlight. The automatic doors beckoned me inside, ready to welcome customers seeking their daily necessities. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from the store, creating an irresistible allure that hinted at the delights awaiting within.

With a sense of purpose, I crossed the threshold, greeted by the bustling ambiance of shoppers and the melodic hum of grocery carts being pushed. The store's neatly arranged aisles stretched out before me, promising an array of choices. Vibrant displays of fruits and vegetables adorned one section, their colors vivid and inviting. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee emanated from a nearby corner, captivating the senses.

Navigating the aisles, I carefully selected the items on my shopping list, enjoying the experience of browsing through the neatly organized shelves. The cheerful greetings from the store employees added a touch of warmth to the atmosphere, making the mundane task of grocery shopping feel like a pleasant excursion.

As I rounded the corner of one of the grocery store's aisles, my attention was immediately drawn to a petite girl standing on her tiptoes, straining to reach an item perched tantalizingly high on the shelf. Her delicate fingers stretched towards it, but her efforts fell just short, leaving her visibly frustrated.

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