Chapter ten

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(A/N: I don't know the time line so just go with it,) 

(About a month and a half earlier.) (Lexa's POV) 

I stare up at Rocky. She just helped save my life after Titus shot me in my stomach. 

She soon turns her head towards me. "Go." I said out of the blue.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Go to the blockade." She started to object but I cut her off. "There's nothing you can do for me now. I'm going to be fine. Indra needs you."

"Indra will be fine, I'm staying with you." She tells me.

"You need to go help your brother." I respond back. "Plus you promised Izzy you'd take her with you. She hasn't been able to leave Polis since she got back." She sighed. 


"No buts. Go I'll be fine. That's an order from your Commander." I said sternly. She sighed again and looked down knowing that she had to listen.

She walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. "I love you," she said.

"I love you too." I responded.

We shared a look one more time before she went to get Izzy. I sighed and look up at the top of the tent. The healer had came in about a minute after Rocky left to check on my wound. About five minutes later some warriors from Ingranronakru came in with... guns? They point a gun at the healer who qucikly put her hands up. 

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked. 

"Shut up!" One of the men yelled turning to point his gun towards me. "Your are weak Heda. You let Bouda and Wanheda make you so. You let the sky people get away with any and everything. But not anymore. Heda no more." He said he gave a nod to the man who had his gun aimed at the nurse. 

The guy moved the gun closer. "Go over there and take the spirts of past commander thing out of her head." When she didn't move he aimed the gun even closer. "Now." 

"Do as he says." I say to the very scared girl. She walked over and cut the back of my neck. Since she didn't know the words to make the flame come out on it's own, she had to use tools to force it out. The pain was almost unbearable. As soon as it was out I passed out. 

(Narriator's POV) 

Once Lexa passed out the invaders gave the healer direct orders. She was to go deliever the flame to the flamekeeper and tell him that the commander didn't make it. They threatened her. They told her that if she told anyone about this, they'd kill her two sons, daughter, and husband. And then after that they'll go to her village and kill everyone there. The healer did as they said not wanting to risk her family's life. After she left to the flame keeper, the invaders set the tent on fire. They didn't want to have to deal with questions about the body. 

About two days after the invaders left, the healer ended her own life. The guilt that she felt for not being able to protect her commander, was unbearable. 


A/n: Now you know what happened to Lexa. 

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