"For what!" I say using the then he used

"For everything you put me through!" He says

"Everything I put you through! I would not be in this mess if- !"
I stutter

I let out a deep sigh not thinking of anything to blame him for since it was truly all my fault.

I let out a deep sigh not thinking of anything to blame him for since it was truly all my fault

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"Who gave you that necklace?" He asks annoyed



"Yes." I confirm

"And why do you wear it?"

"I'm undercover! Besides these are pearls, you never gave em pearls." I say having my excuses

"I gave you pearl earrings." He says arguing back

I look at him and raise my eye brows acting like I have no idea what he is talking about but I smile making it obvious I'm teasing so he pulls me as he smashes his lips on mine. He steps back and puts a hand on my head pushing me to the wall.

"When I said we were never ment to be together, I ment it."
I say pulling away

"Finally we agree on something!" He says as he pulls me back

"This changes nothing!" I playfully say

"Absolutely not." He says playing back at me

"Follow me!" I say


He followed me as I stop in front of a wooden door. It had cracks and holes in it which made it easier for us to see what they were doing.

"I've heard enough." A don disturbs Armand

"Count Armand, a simple liquid like this will make an explosion?" The other dons start to laugh

The don walks away to leave.

"Don Julio! Let's see what this simple liquid can do, shall we?" Armand says as he throws the tiny bottle of liquid

Suddenly a loud explosion is heard as I cuddle into James, startled. He strokes my hair and I pull away to see what's happening. As the smoke fades, a burnt body lay on the ground, dead. I look at James in horror as he pulls me closer. The dons stand up and gasp looking at Armand. Suddenly Armand walks to the door to open it. We have no where to go! We will be seen! We run to the right which is practically a room full of barrels but there is no door. We enter the room and hide behind two barrels quickly.

The Admiral And His belovedWhere stories live. Discover now