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Years have passed and now my daughter is at her tutoring. I refused to leave my daughter without education just because she is a girl. I wait outside as it was 3 of the clock already. Suddenly a gun shot was heard! Everyone ducked over hoping they wouldn't get shot. The man who shot the bullet approached me and put a knife to my neck.

"The Admiral?"

"The Admiral, has important business to attend to!" I say

Suddenly he tries pushing the knife into my throat but I hit his hand and he dropped it. I took out my hidden sword and so did he. We started to attack each other as everyone ran and scattered around like the broken pieces of glass. Screams grew louder and louder each time our swords hit the other sword. He looses his balance and falls backwards and someone else grabs me by the arms. They look around and when a in a Tricorn and Admiral uniform approaches running they run. I look to see who it

"James!" I shout running to him

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"James!" I shout running to him

He hugs me tightly.

"Did they hurt you?" He asks

"No I'm fine." I say truthfully

"Where is Diana?"

As soon as he says that a girl runs to us hugging us both. Her tutor approaches us aswell.

 Her tutor approaches us aswell

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Thank you Mrs Norrington! If it weren't for you distracting him he would have broken into the school." He thanks me as the sun shines brightly on my face forcing me to squint tightly

He bows to us.

"Admiral, Mrs Norrington, wish you a good day." He smiles as he leaves


I thought that I wouldn't see them again but the next time I dropped Diana off to school... they were there again. I pretended not to see them and say goodbye to Diana.

"I love you!" I tell her but she must haven't heard me

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"I love you!" I tell her but she must haven't heard me

As soon as she was gone I race down the alleyway they went. I take a shovel as one of them approaches me and hit them in the head knocking them down. Another tries to punch me but I blocked him and hit him back. The one who I had hit in the head with a shovel took a small pistol and pointed it to me as so did the other one who I had punched with a reddened spot on his jaw in the shape of a fist.

"What do you want?!" I say

"A Count has came from France and we intend to kill him. We need you,... to spy for us on him." One of them explain

"What? How?"

"Manipulation is a strong thing..."

"No!" I say

"Then your dearly beloved Admiral shall be gone!" One shout at me

"I am a loyal wife there is not a chance I will go for some coward I don't even know!" I shout back

One give me a mischievous smile and leave.

"Wait!" I shout

It would be better if they kill the count than kill my James! If I agree to this James would still be alive. But I worry if after this James will believe the truth.

"Is this all you wish for?" I ask

They look at each other and one of them search for something in their pocket. He takes it out and holds it out for me to see. My brother's mask. Alejandro is in danger aswell? How does he get himself in so many random messes!

"Bring us the masked legend named as Zorro...or he too will share the same fate as your husband would have had if you didn't accept to this..." they say

I must figure out why Alejandro is included in this! They leave me thinking over everything they told me and everything I myself have said and chose. I get on my knees and put my head in my hands. What will James think about this? Perhaps I shouldn't tell him at all and he wouldn't know. What should I do?

The Admiral And His belovedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora