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Me and Elizabeth returned upon deck and we saw a familiar man in a boat.

"MY FATHER,WE'VE MADE IT BACK!" Elizabeth shouted at him

"FATHER HERE LOOK HERE!" She continues

"Elizabeth. We're not back yet." Jack tells her

Me and Elizabeth stare at him as he looks at us in the eye. Suddenly realisation dawns to us.

"FATHER!" I cry in anguish

"Elena?Elizabeth?Are you dead?" Father finally replies looking at us

"No!" Elizabeth says

"I think I might." He replies

"No!You can't be!"
Me and Elizabeth shout in shock as I move to our right to follow the slow boat

"There was a chest, you see ... How odd. At the time, it seemed so important." Father ignored us

"Come abroad!" Elizabeth says

"Someone cast a line!" I command

"Come back with us!" Elizabeth continues

Marty passes me the line as I snatch it of him and throw it over to Father.

"And a heart, and if you stabbed the heart ... you would have to sail forever. That's how it worked. Stab the heart and take his place. The Dutchman must have a Captain. Silly
thing to die for." Father still ignored

"TAKE THE LINE!" Elizabeth shouts


"When I would reprimand you to obey rules, it was because I did not want you two to ever be unhappy. But I should have recognized in your willfulnesses ... your both courageous. I am proud of you, Elena,Elizabeth."

The line starts to slip of the boat as I gasp.




Elizabeth and I where now at the aft running closer to Father.

"They must not leave the ship!" Tia demands

"I'll give both of your love to your mother,shall I..."

"FATHER." I cry out as Jack pulls me tightly away

I started to sob quietly. Ever since we have left Port Royal I have been getting really emotional sometimes and sometimes angry for no reason. But then,it is slightly normal for me but crying so easily is strange. Out of no where another sharp pain hit my stomach as I hissed in pain making Jack look at me in confusion.He held me by my arm and shoulder looking at me.I shook my head gesturing it's nothing as I held my stomach.

The Admiral And His belovedWhere stories live. Discover now