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Suddenly everyone pulls there guns to each other.I pull my guns out at Will and Barbossa.Will at Barbossa. Barbossa at Jack. Gibbs at Barbossa. Elizabeth at Jack. Jack at Will, draws a second pistol, at Barbossa. Barbossa draws a second pistol, at Gibbs. Elizabeth picks up a second pistol, points it at Barbossa.Qeall start laughing at the very awkward situation as we look at each other confused.

"All right then!" I interrupt coldly and loudly

The Brethren Court is a-gathering at Shipwreck Cove. Jack,Admiral,you,Elizabeth and I be going there, and there's no arguing the point." Barbossa says

"Aye-" I confirm the plan

"I is arguing the point. If there's pirates a-gathering, I'm a-pointing my ship the other a-way." Jack argues

"The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett. And you're a pirate." Elizabeth clearly annoyed slightly shouts at him

She swings her second pistol toward Jack. Jack stops aiming at Will, aims at her. Will aims at Jack, draws a second pistol to cover Barbossa.

"Fight or not, you're not running." Will says

"If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down, one by one, 'til there's none left but you!" Barbossa says angrily

"Then I’ll be the last pirate. At least then there will be only one of me." Jack says smiling mischievously

Aye, and you'll be fighting Jones alone. How does that figure into
your plans?" I say trying to get him to help

"Still working on it. But I'm not going back to the Locker, love. Count on that."

"Don't call me that-"

A loud clink sound is heard from Elizabeth's pistol as she tries to shoot Jack. We then all start to fire trying to shoot someone but it is no use as the power is wet.

"Wet powder!" Gibbs tells us

"We've other issues to deal with. We can get back to shooting each other later." I say

Will indicates on the chart to Jack and Barbossa.

"There's a fresh water spring on this island, where we can resupply." Will says

"You lead the shore party. I'll stay with the ship." Jack says

"You lead the shore party. I'll stay with the ship." Barbossa says

"Neither am I!" I interfere

"And he'll not be leaving his ship in your command, and here's an an idea. You three go, and leave the ship in my command." Will insist

He looks at our unpleased looks on our faces.

"Temporarily. Promise."


We have left the ship onto an island we see a ... large piece of rock or a cliff ... im not really sure. As we get closer to it we realise it is a kraken.The Kraken of Davy Jones?But what is it doing here ... dead? Lord Cutler Beckett!

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