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The rain gets heavier and heavier each moment as it drips down faster at a rapid speed. The water beging to become rough and it swirls around rocking the ship left and right dangerously. Elizabeth falls suddenly loosing her balance. I give her an arm and help her upon ti fall myself aswell. Luckily James grabbed my arm and I was able to haul up Elizabeth with me. In a trice an agonising pain hit me in the stomach. James looked at be as I bowed forward in pain. He held my hand as he looked at me confused of what happened.

"Elena?" He asks

Elizabeth comes beside me as I get onto my knees clutching my stomach.

"Are you hurt?" He asks clueless

"No I'm fine!"
I say standing up but end up holding onto the stair handle for my dear life

I hiss in pain as I try to let go of the stairs. I look at the water as a maelstrom starts to form and it gets large and larger.

"Barbossa! We need you at the helm!" Elizabeth cries

I have regained enough strength to let go of the stairs and take out a sword.

"What are you doing?" James says immediately stopping me

"I am fine I just felt a bit nauseous."
I say laughing awkwardly hiding the pain

"Aye that be true!Brace the yards! Set the stay sails and turn her windward!" I smile but I was still weak

With Barbossa at the helm we could quickly find a strategic way of beating them or we could just be taking his piratey commands or so.

"Lets go!" I say

"Alright, Alright!" James says teasingly

"Hey I'm the one who teases here." I say

"Not quite but..."

"But nothing!" I interrupt smiling

He rolls his eyes playfully and follows me.

Ships of the armada and the fleet turn away. The Black Pearl also turns. But the Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl are caught.

"She's on our stern and gaining!" Will cries

"More speed! Angle yard to port!" Barbossa calls out

Cannonballs fly at us from the stern, one of them taking of a steering wheel pin.

"Take us out! Before they overbear us!"

"Nay, further in! And cut across to faster waters!"

We race down to the main decks.

"Prepare to broadside!"
I command through the raging pain in my stomach

"Captain the guns! Bear-a-hand!" Gibbs shouts

Barbossa cuts the Black Pearl down into the whirlpool to
evade the aft cannon fire. I knew he would have a strategy here. The Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl spin broadsides to
each other. The Brethren ships and ships that were behind the Dutchman faded into the mist and rain as telephone poles spinning in the background.

The Admiral And His belovedWhere stories live. Discover now