The next day the five Lans were having their usual afternoon tea in the hanshi. Wei Ying was fidgeting with his the seam of his robes and Lan Zhan were looking like he had received the most devastating news. Xichen couldn't take it anymore. His two brothers are going through something or something had happened and he needs to know what it is so he can help them. He cleared his throat lightly before he asked.
" Wuxian, Wanji is something wrong. Did something happened that we should know about". He asked them with concern evident in his voice.
Before Wei Ying could answer Lan Zhan stood up and bow deeply in front of his family which confuse the three men. " Wanji what's going on". His father ask. " Father, uncle and brother this one and Wei Ying have come to a decision and have decided to dissolved the engagement between us". He answered his father. The three looked at Wei Ying who confirmed what Lan Zhan just said. " Shufus and Xichen-ge Lan Zhan deserves someone deserving and of the same status of him. He deserves to find his own mate and not be bound by a promise made by our parents". He said. The three were stunned not knowing what to say. They looked at Lan Zhan who were still bowing when Lan Qiren asked him. " Wanji is this truly what the both of you wanted". He looked at them both.
" Wanji will not force Wei Ying to be with him if do not wish to be. Wanji will do as Wei Ying wishes. Wanji would like to ask that you will except it. Wanji have just one request to ask of you". " We understand and we will honor your decision if that is your wish. What is your request wanji". His father answered. " Wanji request to go into meditate seclusion for three years". Soft gasps were heard in the room. " Lan Zhan why would you want to do that it's not necessary". Wei Ying said to him. He reach out to touch Lan Zhan's arm but stopped himself. " Wanji wishes to go into meditative seclusion. Wanji hope that father would grant his wish". The four were at a lost for words. They did not expect this. Wei Ying's eyes filled with tears. Xichen looks sadly at his two brothers but it's their decision at the end of day. " If you are sure wanji then I gave you permission to go into seclusion". His father said. " Thank you father". He came up from his bow turn on his heels and walked out of the Jingshi to start his seclusion. Wei Ying stood there mouth agape and tears in his eyes. What just happened he didn't even know what to say. He turns to his family who just looks sadly at him. " Why would he do that? Why? What have I done?". He slowly sank to his knees. Xichen stood up and went to sit next to him taking him into his arms and Wei Ying cried. He had hurt Lan Zhan. It's his fault that he is going into seclusion. " What have I done Xichen-ge? Lan Zhan went into seclusion because of me. Madame Yu was right. I only bring disaster to those around me". He spoke brokenly into Xichen arms.

" Wuxian it's not your fault. Please do not blame yourself. Wanji would not want you to blame yourself do you hear me. He will be fine. He just needs time that's all. This is his way of dealing with things. So shush now my little brother". He softly spoke to Wei Ying who just nods his head in his chest. The two older men were still trying to get their heads around what just happened. Lan Qiren poured Wei Ying a cup of tea when he finally stops crying which he took gratefully and drank it slowly. " Wuxian will you be fine". Lan Qiren asked him. He just looks brokenly at the man. " Wuxian what that woman said is not true. You are a joy to have in our lives. I never knew the extent to which she hurts you but I think we are starting to get a better understanding. I don't understand how someone like her who is also a mother are capable of hurting another child the way she had hurt you". Qingheng-Jun said to him.
" My only wish is that you had never met that woman, her husband or her son. They have really messed you up that you now believe that you doesn't deserve to be love. To be happy. To have someone in your life who cares deeply about you. That you would put your own happiness aside thinking that you don't deserve it. That others deserve it more than you. Wuxian I want you to know that you also deserve to be happy. I will except the annulment of your engagement but I will not announce it as of yet. I will give the both the time you need to reconsider. I hope you understand. I will convey this message to Wanji as well ". Qingheng-Jun told Wei Ying who looks up and said." I do not wish to give Lan Zhan false hope shufu so it would be best to go head and announce the annulment it would be for the best". He said and stood up and walked out of the hanshi. The three looked at his retreating back.
" What are we going to do". Xichen asked. " There's nothing that we can do. They both have expressed their feelings regarding the annulment of their engagement. They obviously cares about each other but they have to figure this out for themselves. Wuxian is conflicted in his feelings maybe during this time he will get more clarity ". Lan Qiren answered his nephew. When Wei Ying reached the Lanshi he went straight to his room. Willing the tears back but as hard as tried he just couldn't. He felt guilty for Lan Zhan going into seclusion. No matter what his family says. It's his fault. Will Lan Zhan ever forgive him. He laid down on the bed pulled his legs into his chest and cried. Because of his stupidity he had lost his friend. His heart is aching in pain and no matter how hard he tried to will the pain away it just don't want to. He closes his eyes and soon found himself in a restless sleep.

When he woke up he was drench in sweat. His inner robes and bedding was wet. He felt heat radiating from his lower abdomen. He groans in pain when he wanted to sit up. His head felt like it wants to explode black spots were dancing in front of his eyes. He slowly closes it and inhale slowly in and out. He could here his uncle in the other room moving must be almost time for sleep. He gave himself five minutes to relax and then he starts to get up. He groans again putting his hand to his head. What is happening to him. He slowly made his way towards the door calling out to Lan Qiren for help. He saw his uncle rushing over to him before darkness engulf him. He thinks his uncle called his name worriedly before he gave over to the darkness completely. The next time he woke up he could here people talking around him. He tried to move but his whole body feels like it's submerged in mud so heavy feels it. He tried to speak but just a groan came out. He could here his shufus voice asking him if his okay but before he could try and say anything he felt as if arms were dragging him under. He tried to fight to resist but to no avail. Finally the darkness took him to a place, maybe a memory he has long since forgotten.

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