Chapter 27 She depends on you

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We went back to the guild where they were waiting for us. Emily was sitting on the step outside with Alice standing next to her, I wondered what they were doing outside in the rain. - "Why're you both out here?"  I asked Alice and then looked at Emily. - "She insisted on being out here." Alice said. - "I find the rain calming, anyway let's get going."  Emily said, putting her helmet on and steadily getting up. - "So did she give you her address?"  I asked Artemis. She held up a slip of paper with the written address on it. "Good. Maybe we'll get some answers."  I mused, walking alongside them. Ifra'Nyah lived in the common section on a street called Saint Devora St. When we got there I noticed the place was a bit rundown, not due to lack of care and maintenance but because of the age of the place. The homes were all decorated with what looked to be traditional religious embroidery and symbols, their faith in this Goddess was certainly very important to these people.

After walking around the drab yet almost festive streets. We came to what looked to be a shabby apartment block, not exactly where I'd expect someone with a nice job like hers to live. We entered the foyer to the front desk. - "Hello, where is room 122?"  Alice asked the male Bi'lan clerk. - "Yes, It's on the second floor to your left."  She thanked him and then we went up the chipping concrete stairs. This place looks like it hasn't been well maintained in the least. We went to room 122, I gave the door several light knocks. The soft tread of footsteps slowly approached the door. The sound of locks being unshackled could be heard from the other side. Ifra'Nyah opened the door. She was dressed in a loose, slightly long t-shirt and baggy pants. Corporate branding, I assume wasn't something that existed here.

- "Hello, please, come inside."  She said quietly and waved us in. Once we got inside, she closed the door slowly. - "Why the secrecy, Ifra?"  Alice asked her. She was just as confused as me, she was just better at showing her concern than I was. Ifra'Nyah paced around slowly, nervously scratching her arm. - "It's alright, you can tell us."  I asked her calmly. - "Mmm, Goddess...okay." She sighed and then she sat down in a chair. "When you asked me whether I knew anything about AI, that freaked me out. But it seemed important to you three."  She said. - "Four actually, there's someone you haven't been formally introduced to."  Artemis said, leaning up against the corner of the room. Ifra'Nyah looked at her, confused. - "Metis, you can come out. If you're up to it?"  I said. - "Um, greetings Ifra'Nyah. I am U.S.S.A. AI Metis, pleased to meet you."  Metis introduced itself.

Ifra'Nyah looked at me wide-eyed in disbelief. - "So that's what that voice was that came from you? If I hadn't seen what you looked like before. I'd have assumed you were a woman under all of that armor."  She chuckled. Artemis lifted her head to look at me, I just briefly glanced at her back. - "Uh no, my armor's AI has been malfunctioning for...I honestly don't know how long. If you have any idea about who or what could help us? All I ask is that you point us in their direction."  I asked her. - "Wow, that's incredible. A real living AI? Sorry...right. There are rumors of an old hermit who lives out in the screaming hills. Legend says that he's a Bi'lan from before the collapse, back when my people first fought the Alsha'Alhi."  She told us, sounding calmer as she explained the story. - "Alsha'Alhi?"  I asked her. - "Hmm? Oh, you didn't? Of course. That's the full name for the Alsha. It means the divine people, you can see where they get their arrogance from."  She said scornfully. - "That doesn't quite explain why AI is taboo to speak about, judging by how you've been acting."  Alice said.

Ifra'Nyah sighed and then straightened her posture. - "We both used them as weapons of war against each other before the collapse and then when the Consumer of souls rose from the shadows and wreaked mayhem on this world. We had to put aside our differences and fight the consumer and her dark forces before all life could be destroyed. They were used against us when she appeared, though it's not clear if they did so because they had been controlled or if they turned on their creators of their own will. And yes, public speech about AI can be punished harshly."  She told us. This news was rather surprising to hear, I had no idea they had such a sorted past with Artificial intelligence, and each other. I was starting to get a clearer but still muddied picture of their history, but that was way more Alice's area of expertise than mine. Metis wasn't getting any better, I wasn't sure where to start but something had to be done.

U.S.S.A HellFieldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें