Chapter 9 Where we left off

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My heart was beating hard enough to burst vessels, blood pumping high enough to cut rock, and aggression rising to the point of pure rage. This is what I felt when I fought with this armor on, It was always something I felt but the armor amplified what was already there. Including the nightmares. I saw myself from an outside perspective, how I look when I'm fighting, the animalistic brutality of the things I've done as if I'm turning into a mechanical monster. I watched as I shot and tore foes apart as though they were made of wet paper, I don't know what Alice would think If she ever saw me like this. One of the first thoughts I had when It was put on me, was If I would be able to touch another person without hurting them. The armor was beginning to feel like a second skin, as though I was becoming it. Alice too seemed to have undergone some form of transformation, we've both become monsters in different ways, capable of things no human should be. I'm just afraid that she will mistake me for what I really am.

I opened my eyes, my body ached like I had been laying here for a week, but less so than what I had felt before. "Wakey, sleepy head, you've been sleeping for a while now."  I heard Metis's voice.  My mouth was dry, I felt dehydrated.- "How long?" - "About 26 hours, Alice is still asleep but she's doing much better now."  I was happy to hear that, at least some good news. There was a banging at the door, the angry kind. I got up and walked to the door. When I opened the door, there was the alien at the front, I'm guessing they were the owner.- "What is it?"  I asked trying not to sound rude, I had the feeling I already knew why and I'm assuming they were a male. - "Why're you still here? You should have left by now."  He said looking down at me with those strange reptilian eyes. I don't know what the policy on extensions is here but maybe money speaks louder than words here.- "One moment please."  I went to the lockbox I got as payment for 'Killing' the blood witch, I opened it with the key; so many keys. I took a silver coin in my hand and inspected it, there was an engraving of a figure, maybe a leader or someone of importance. I grabbed a handful and then walked back to the door.

"We're going to be here for a while, how much longer will this extend our stay?"  I put the coins in his hands; while it was difficult to tell I assumed he was surprised by all the money I gave him. - "Well...well thank you, stay as long as you like, don't expect free food service."- "That's fine."  I closed the door and turned my attention to Alice still fast asleep on the bed. - "Speaking of food, you need to eat."  Metis said warning me of yet another bodily function. Speaking of needing to eat. When was the last time Alice ate anything? Had she just been living off of blood this whole time? Maybe a little breakfast in bed would bring her to her senses, at least I hope it will. The room had a small kitchen, that will do. - "We're heading out, you don't need any extra power right?" Metis laughed quietly. - "No thank you, you're more likely to die of old age before half of its power reserve is gone." Metis seemingly joked. - "Huh."  I grunted. 

I locked the door as best as I could, they certainly had more robust locks on their doors than back on Earth. We looked around the various local vendors for anything that seemed edible, there was a surprising amount of foods that humans could eat here, minus a few more exotic and downright bizarre forms of what I'd barely even call food. Metis probably saved me from potentially poisoning myself with a number of things, she...It has been more helpful than I expected, albeit somewhat annoying. We picked out a few foods that were surprisingly similar to that back home, I asked some of the locals for some advice on what the best foods were, and they mentioned one called 'Har'rosh' a meat pastry like shepherd's pie but filled with a lot more meat. I didn't want to shock both of our systems too much I decided to go with the closest thing to bacon and eggs as possible, with a side of a kind of biscuit. I didn't want to be out for too long, I wouldn't want to risk Alice in her state getting out and causing problems and putting a target on our backs.

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