Chapter 21 Hallowed soul made unwhole

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The faces of countless slain tormented me with incomprehensible Whispers and wretched howls of agony, they only watched as the bestial maw sank its blade and teeth into their innocent flesh. Blood and violence were all that could alleviate its insatiable lust for slaughter. Its ferocity terrified me in the pure primal carnage it could unleash upon any unsuspecting soul it deemed worthy of butchering. I could still taste it, the blood in my mouth and the flesh in my stomach. It almost felt like cannibalism, to eat something that felt as I could. This feeling used to be one that was a minor tick in the back of my mind, but now? It was getting stronger and had been worming its way into my dreams, ever since I put this armor on.

I could feel a soft warmth around my body. I opened my eyes to see if Alice was next to me, but there was no one, just me wrapped in blankets; it was a comforting feeling nonetheless. I could smell something on me, it smelled floral with a hint of fruit. I tried lifting myself, but I had been tucked in tightly. The effort it took to raise myself from the bed caused a surge of pain throughout my body as If I felt every injury I had sustained all at once. I grasped my sides, I felt bandages on my hands. Alice or Artemis must've bandaged me while I was out. I got out of bed, struggling to keep myself stable using the bedside table as support. I was finally able to get myself upright. I took one painful step after another forward, not letting my pain stop me.

I could tell this wasn't the same room we had rented days ago, even if the layout was the same, but something else was different about this room, it seemed...darker. I stepped into the bathroom, to see how in rough of shape I was. As the lights turned on, I saw the bruising around my torso, dark blue and purple colored various parts of my body. I felt pain in my bladder like I hadn't pissed in days. My underarms didn't smell too great, I must've sweat quite a bit in my sleep since I could still feel cool dampness on my skin. I washed my hands and around my body with a familiar bar of soap, it was the one I got Alice, that's where the smell came from. Now I just needed more clothing, all I had on were my briefs and a pair of pants that were a little too small on me.

I walked toward the door to see if I could find Alice anywhere. I opened the door only for the bright light to blind me, straining my eyes, there were mercenaries and the like standing around as usual. I went down the stairs and walked toward the desk to ask what time it was. Ifra'Nyah was behind the desk talking to someone. I went up to speak with her, she gave me a nervous smile as she brushed her hair aside. - "Hello Damien, how're you this morning?"  She said calmly, but I didn't understand a word of what she said. - "Could you run that by me one more time?"  I asked groggily. She looked at me confused with her luminescent white eyes. Not this again, I forgot I need the armor to translate. "Alice?"  I asked her. A look of understanding appeared on her face, and then she picked up a poster and showed it to me. It was a job poster for a wanted criminal, that was about as far as I could tell.

So Alice was doing a job by herself, I hope she didn't go all alone and get in over her head. -          "I know you can't understand me, but I'm sure Alice will be fine."  Ifra'Nyah said in an assuring way, also the way she said Alice's name was odd but funny. Pain rippled through my sides and I nearly collapsed on the desk, I managed to grip it enough to keep myself upright. I heard Ifra'Nyah gasp and then walk around the desk. She gently placed her hand on my chest, looked at where I was hurt, and then up at me, she must've been wondering if I was alright. - "She told me you were injured, here I'll help you to your room."

Ifra'Nyah helped keep me upright on the way to my room, for an alien with creepy eyes, she's a good kid. She was struggling but managed to help me to bed, I could see that her attention was now on the armor. - "Believe it or not, I'm just a guy in a suit, not a robot."  I said, groaning with a pained laugh. She had to take a double take at that. - "I can understand you now, how is that possible?"  She asked. - "Well it's probably because we're in range of the armor's dark-wave field, don't ask me to explain what that is, Alice can tell you another time."  I said gesturing in the air. Ifra'Nyah shrugged her shoulders. She then stepped toward me and gave me a short bow. - "Rest well and take care, I'm sure she will be back soon." She said then went to leave the room, she looked back at the armor one more time and then closed the door. 

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