Chapter 17 They Come

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It was a long, quiet, and gloomy drive back to BloodRust. I drove the rest of the way while Alice rested, I was filled with this endless rush of energy that I could not get rid of, it was driving me crazy. - "Metis, what was the armor doing to the Eldlitches when I got near them?"  I finally asked. - "Do you really want to know?"  I'm surprised it even asked. - "Yes, I do."  The HUD fuzzed slightly. - "The Umbral armor has a protocol to siphon fluids and various nutrients from living beings when the wearer is exhausted, dead, or alive. I didn't use this function as I believed it would upset you, but when faced with a dire situation such as back in the cave, I had no choice. I hope you can forgive me?"   Wow, I didn't expect forgiveness from Metis, much less from an AI. - "It's alright, you saved us...well most of us, but that's on me. Thank you."  This made me think about what other secrets this armor held within it, whatever they were, I have the feeling they're not any less disturbing.

BloodRust was just a few clicks away, despite what happened, I was surprised we still got paid, but without any bonus. It happened so suddenly. Most of my weapons were completely ineffective, the last thing any soldier needs when they're caught in an ambush. Alice was still asleep against the door, I should probably wake her up. - "Hey, wake up sunshine, we're here."  I said, gently nudging her shoulder with my hand. - "Hmm? Already? That was fast."  She said, rubbing her eyes sleepily. - "Five hours isn't a long time when you're sleeping, we can both get some rest after we get something to eat. Okay?"  - "Okay."  She replied quietly. Alice sat up just as we were arriving. We both saw a large crowd of people outside the entrance of the town, more guards than usual were out preventing them from getting in. - "Huh, that's strange."  Alice looked at me, just as confused as I was. - "Where'd all these people come from? Something must be going on, maybe we should ask."  She said with concern. - "Yeah, probably a good idea."

I parked the buggy just outside the lot as It was filled with small crowds of new arrivals. When we stepped out to see what was going on, I could see the weariness on their faces. They had that same tired and disheveled look those people I saw earlier had as if they had just escaped from hell, and they were certainly raising it. We had to push our way through the crowd of people desperate to get inside for some reason. We'll have to ask once we get inside, that's if they will let us. I went up to speak with one of the guards, he stood silently behind an iron barrier. - "What's going on here? Where did all these people come from?"  He seemed to scan me for a moment, and then his yellow eyes widened. - "I recognize you, you're that blood-colored bounty hunter. We're keeping these people out until the mayor decides what to do with them, we've had wandering nomads pouring in from all around the fields, if it's not marauders its mechites."  The way he nonchalantly explained that says to me they don't think very much of these desperate people.

- "So these people are just going to be left to fend for themselves?"  Alice asked. - "Hey, it's not up to me what happens to them, I'm just trying to get by like everyone else. Is your female joining you?"  He shifted to me. - "Yes, she's coming with me."  I answered, trying to hold back any kind of insulting remark. - "Go on through, quickly now." He raised the metal bar to let us through, I let Alice go first, and then I went after. Angry yelling came from the crowd, things certainly weren't getting any better. Alice was quiet as we went into town, she seemed uneasy about the whole situation, I didn't like it either but there was nothing we could do. As we walked past the curtain, I could see the streets were filled with even more people, since the motel was heavily damaged, there was less space for these people to stay than before. - "We should go around, I'd rather not go through another crowd."  I said to Alice as I went down the steps and went around the market street. The long way around wasn't quite as crowded, making it easier to find somewhere to eat. There were still people shopping and going about their business as usual as if nothing was different, even here people would ignore the problems outside, even as they were pounding their way in. - "Let's try this place, their food was pretty good last time I had it."  Alice said, pointing in the direction of a restaurant that served sliced meat and some other kind of alien dish.

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