"Tío Dixie, estás a salvo y yo estoy a salvo. Nadie está herido." I try to reassure him. (Uncle dixie, you're safe and I'm safe. No one is hurt.) I try to keep calm knowing I'm switching between English and Spanish in my worry. I could see Uncle Dixie's shakin increase and his breathin pick up slightly.

"It's going be ok Uncle, dad's on his way" I heard Dela call out. That's when I saw the shaking double at Dela's voice. Hes afraid of something to do with us kids.

"I need yall to be quiet, no sounds. Your making it worse" I said looking at them to make sure they understood. I returned my attention to our shakin Uncle, and continued to try to calm him down the best I could. I grabbed his hand hoping the contact would startle him into breathing properly. As soon as I grabbed his hand, he did indeed startle. However instead of breathin right like I hoped he stopped and held it.

"What in tarnation do ya think you're doin Lone Star? I don't wanna hurt ya again, please, go join your siblin's." Uncle Dixie told me.

"I'm not gonna leave ya Tío. You won't hurt me I promise." I firmly told him. I watched as he started trying to breathe again but couldn't his face was starting to turn a bright red and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Dela, what's dad's eta?" Juneau asked her.

"From what he told me Ala, he should be here in 5 or so minutes." Dela replied simply, worry still lacing her tone. I turned back to uncle dixie in worry. Five minutes is a long time for how much uncle is worked up. I start rubbing circles on the back of his hand trying to soothe his fear.

"It's gonna be ok Uncle, you're not gonna hurt us." I told him gently. He shook his head at me the tears finally starting to trail down his face. I climbed into his lap, to provide more comfort until dad arrives. For a moment it seemed Uncle Dixie would calm down but he moved his arms as far away as he could and pressed against the wall. I began to get more concerned as he started to shake with silent sobs. Uncle Dixie never cried in front of us. I hugged him tightly as a reassurance that he wasn't gonna hurt us, and that he was ok. I was beginning to see that touching him was both comforting and fear inducing at the same time.

America pov.

When Dela called me frantically, saying that Dix was having a panic attack. I asked for my group and myself to be released early making up a lie that we were running low on somethings we needed in the house, surprisingly UN let us off the hook and we ran for our cars, with Goldie, Nada and Russ piling in my car as the others went to the store to make the lie believable and took NASA and NATO with them. I tried to go as fast as I could without getting in trouble that would slow us down. I wanted to get home to help them as soon as possible. Dixie has always done his best to be brave in front of the kids. So for him to be out of it enough for the kids to call me is really bad. I sigh in slight relief as I pull in the driveway. I stop the car and turn it off in a hurry.

"Russ, can you corral the kids into the backyard while we get Dixie to calm down?" I asked the Russian. He gave a comforting smile nodding as he got out of the car.

"I can do that for you Meric." He assured me.

"Thanks Ruski." I told him as I ran inside and saw Dixie sitting in the corner with Lone Star in his lap, trying to calm him down. I saw Russia in the corner of my eye go over to the kids. He talked with them for a minute before they all followed him outside.

"Hey Tex, why don't you join your siblings outside, we can handle him." I told my son.

"Are you sure dad. puedo quedarme para ayudar si lo necesito." He said. I could tell he was worried by how he slipped into spanish. (I can stay to help if im needed to.) I smile softly at the small Texan, and nod to the door.

"Go, we can help him, I'm proud of you for helping him stay calm this long Tex, we can take it from here." I told him.

"Okay dad. Call for me if you need me." He insisted. I watched as he ran out to join his siblings turning to Dixie when I saw he was gone.

"Come on South, what happened?" I asked my brother. My worry raised when instead of answering he let out a sob, no longer trying to stay quiet now that the kids were gone.

"Dixie, dinos qué provocó esto, solo queremos ayudarte, hermano." Goldie asked in Spanish, worry lacing her voice, eyes brimming with tears. (Dixie, please tell us what brought this on, we just want to help you brother.) Dixie just shook his head and pressed against the wall harder. I noticed his face starting to turn from red to a light purple.

"Dixie calm down brother, it's ok, it's about the flashback from last night isn't it?" I asked, genuinely concerned for my twin. Dixie nodded slightly before shaking his head. He stopped and did both again. He let out a frustrated whine through a sob. I pulled him into a tight hug. "It's going to be fine Dix, I know you'd never hurt the kids, and they know that too, so I need you to match my breathing and calm down as much as you can." I told him, rubbing his back soothingly. Dixie relaxed slightly into the hug. I knew this was only because he knew I could fight back if he did try to hurt me. I could tell that Nada and Goldie wanted to join the hug as well, and I nodded to them saying it was ok. I felt Dixie stiffen as they joined the hug before almost melting into us. He stopped shaking so much but his body still jolted with sobs. Dixie grabbed my shirt his breathing finally started to calm down, despite his sobs. "There you go Dixie, now can you tell us what egged this on?" I asked, still concerned for my twin.

"A-ala asked wh-what happened before t-the war th-that made m-me act o-out." He stuttered through the sobs. He took a breath before continuing. "I k-kept thinkin' back to t-the flashback and h-hurtin lone st-star." He finished. I started playing with his hair soothingly, and reminded him that everyone had already forgave him. "I k-know stars. I just got s-so afraid if I moved t-the haze effect would take over and i-i'd hurt 'em." He vented. His stutter calming with his sobs. He seemed to relax the more I played with his hair.

"Hey now, you know we can only be hazed once, and that damned war shouldn't have happened anyway, but those humans were too high strung." I reprimanded him slightly. He let out a breathless whine at the reprimanded and curled into me more.

"Stripes is right Confetti, those humans forced you to fight a war you didn't want." Nada told him, rubbing his shoulders lightly. Dixie finally stopped crying and fully relaxed Into the hug.

"M'sorry I worried yall for no reason." He apologized.

"Hey, its ok brother, we know you didn't mean to." I told him. He seemed to sigh like he didn't believe us but didn't want to argue.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now