Chapter 4

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Russia pov.

Once America said it was time for bed, everyone went in different directions, I quickly caught up with the said American and followed him to our shared room for the time being. Once we entered the room, he grabbed a change of clothes to prepare for a shower. I went to my bag and grabbed my pajamas for bed.

"Hey Russ, do you need anything from the bathroom, I'm almost done." Ame asked.

"No, I'm good Amerika, thanks for asking." I replied. He let out a small hum of acknowledgement and finished in the bathroom, I had already finished changing and laid in the bed. A little bit later America walked out of the bathroom and crawled into the bed. We both fell asleep not long after.


America pov.

I had a jump start from a nightmare and heard crying in another room up the hall. I silently walked out of my room, careful not to wake the Russian sleeping next to me. Once I made it out of the room, I saw that Dixie was awake as well, and headed towards a different room, where I heard crying as well. I nodded to him and continued to the first room I heard the pained cries from. I slowly opened the door and saw Alaska and Hawaii crying in Alaska's bed.

"What happened?" I asked cautiously.

"I had a nightmare and one of Hawaii's old wounds opened." Alaska told me with a pained voice. I nodded and walked over to the both of them, I gently took Hawaii from Alaska so I could treat the open wound. Once I had finished with that I laid her in bed with Alaska and sang a small lullaby for them. Once they were asleep once more I left to check on Dixie.

"Union, the kid wants you, I tried to comfort 'em, but he kept backin' away like I was 'bout to hurt 'em." Dixie explained.

"Which one of the southern states was it Dix, that way I know how to help." I asked, reassuring my brother.

"It was Lone Star, the poor kid, I couldn't help 'em." Dixie spoke sadly. I patted his back and he went back to his room. I walked over to the Texan's room and found him in a corner on his bed.

"Hey Lone Star, it's alright you're safe now." I told my son calmly. It worked slightly and I walked over slowly.

"Dad, that you?" Tex asked.

"Yea, it's me. It's going to be alright, I've got you, it's over he can't hurt you anymore." I reassured my son, he leaped up and hugged me, still shaking from the nightmare. Once he fully calmed down I laid him in his bed and walked out of his room. I walked over to Dixie's room, and saw that he was still awake. "Hey, he's going to be alright, I just finished calming him down, he should feel better by morning, get some rest." I told my brother, he nodded and laid back down. I walked back to my room, and carefully laid down and went back to sleep.


Germany pov.

I woke up this morning with someone on my chest and saw that Poland was laying on top of me slightly. I slowly moved him off from on top of me so I could get up. Once I was up, I walked out of the room and into the living room, where I saw some of Ame's kids watching TV.

"Good morrning, everryone." I greeted them.

"Mornin' do you wanna join us? Right now we're waitin' on some of the older states or dad to wake up." Alabama, I think, greeted back. I nodded and sat down on the floor near the couch. Not longer after Poland joined us in the living room.

"Dzień dobry wszystkim." He said. The kids gave him a funny look. Poland looked at me, and shrugged. (Good morning everyone)

"Poland, the kids didn't understand you." I told him.

"Ah, apologies. I said good morning." Poland corrected himself.

"Morning." The kids replied in unison.

"Are you waiting for Ame?" Poland asked me, I nodded and signaled him over to us. We sat with the kids for a bit, while the others were slowly making their way here.

"Alright, I'll start on breakfast that way dad can sleep in." NATO said walking into the kitchen once she saw how many of us were gathered in the living room.

"Really DC, I don't understand why we have to do this again, it made no sense the first time we did this." One of the military branches told the capital.

"Look, we have to help dad get some free time, dad over works, and as some of the few he ever let's out we get to pitch in more than our siblings, now go find NASA and tell him that we're covering for dad today." DC told her siblings.

"Fine, I'll talk to NATO, see if she wants to help as well." CDC spoke up, from the couch, getting up as he said it. He walked to the kitchen and started talking to his sister. Confederate walked in not too long after DC sat down on the couch.

"Good morrning, Confederate." I greeted him. He waved in return, and walked over. "Rough morning?" I questioned him.

"Somethin' like that." He replied triedly. I nodded letting it go. After a bit a tired state walked in, and immediately went to Confederate.

"I'm sorry Uncle Dixie." The small child told him, hugging Confederate tightly.

"It's fine Tex, don't worry 'bout it too much." Confederate reassured the small Texan, returning the hug, just as tightly. "Get some more rest, I'll wake you when breakfast is ready." He told the kid in his arms. Texas nodded and relaxed into the hug falling asleep shortly after.

"Hey, Poland can you get dad and the others? I'm almost done with breakfast." NATO called out from the kitchen.

"Sure!" Poland yelled back, walking off to find the others.

"DC! Can you get the rest of our siblings?! And I need you in the kitchen when you're done!" NATO called out to DC.

"Alright! I'll be right there!" DC yelled back to her sister, she ran out of the living room, and pretty soon all of Ame's kids were in the living room. Once DC made it back, she ran for the kitchen. Not long after that, a few other countries entered the living room as well.

"Good morrning, how did you all sleep?" I asked them.

"I slept well, thanks for asking Germany." Belarus told me, I nodded.

"That was the best sleep ever." Australia agreed, New Zealand nodding in agreement. I noticed a pissy brit and angry French woman in the hall not far behind Australia.

"Kids why don't y'all start headin' to the dinnin' hall, I think things are 'bout to get real messy." Confederate told the kids, passing the sleeping state to one of the older kids. Once all the kids made it out, Australia, New Zealand and Belarus moved to let the angry countries move out of the hallway. I walked over, and Confederate followed me. "If y'all are gonna fight, take it outside, we don't tolerate fighting within the house, 'specially if it's a screamin' match." Confederate warned them.

"What did I miss?" America walked in.

"Your 'parents' here are in a pissy mood, and I told 'em if they were gonna fight to take it outside." Confederate told him. Ame looked at them and sighed.

"It's too damn early for this, France follow me, Britain follow Dixie." America told them, "Germany can you and the others that are awake watch the kids for me while we deal with this?" He asked me, I nodded and turned around, and walked into the dinning hall.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang