4 White boy macho tough guy

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AS she and hen hopped into the truck she was wondering if she even heard that right she thought that they said over the intercom that her snake was choking her, Pretty soon after they arrived no started yelling "LA fire" to see if anyone would respond.. They walked into this room that had a bunch of snakes in it, and chimney turned ten shades lighter.

"Oh my god," Chimney said, staring down the snake that was sitting in a tree. " Bobby, I can't do snakes they scare the crap out of me. That scene from Conan The Barbarian with the giant snake it tramatauzed me for life."

Who's Conan? " Buck said

"Conan the Barbarian 1982, Geez," Chimney said, raising the thing he was holding a little more to defend himself.

"As far as I'm aware, the world began the day I was born," Buck replied, staring into one of the tanks with a snake in it, and Alex just rolled her eyes.

They heard Bobby yell for them from another room, and when she walked in, she could believe her eyes. This giant yellow python that she would have named Banana if she owned it was choking this lady.

She heard Hen say, "Oh my god."

"We have to help her get some air guys," Cap said

"Oh my, god, this is not good," Chim said, turning just a tad greener

"Cap, there's no use that thing is like ten feet long constriction strength is like 50 pounds per square inch."Alex told cap, hmm, maybe being a prodigy actually could come in handy.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna start calling you snakepedia, stop it," Chim said

"All I'm saying is that you have a better chance of tearing down a cement wall with your bare hands." she said.

"Why don't I just punch it in it's face" Buck said, staring the snake straight in his eyes.

"You can't punch it in its face buck. it's a snake, not some guy at an El Torino happy hour, " Bobby said, still wrestling with the snake. Alex almost started laughing because that is probably something Buck has done before.

"Look, I have dilotid. We can inject the snake it will pass right out," Hen said, grabbing the stuff from the medical bag.

"How long is that gonna take minutes and minutes we dont have?" bobby said, trying to pry the snake off of the girl.

"Kill it," Chim said

"Kill it, um no no no," Hen said

"Kill it, just kill it,"Chim said

"It's a snake it is doing what nature intended it to do. Nobody told this fool to bring a snake into her house," Hen said, putting her hands up to stop them.

"Well, they can make donation to PETA for you," Bobby says while he continues to attempt to wrestle with the snake "Crap it is getting really tight."

"Ok, stand back, we don't have time for this," Buck says, grunting as he swings the axe over his head and chops the snakes head off.

"Buck no," She and Hen scream as he swipes the snakes head clean off. As soon as this happens, Chimney who is standing right next to her gag. "You better not throw up," Alex says. " And if you do, I'm not cleaning it," she continues as she puts her finger to her nose in a dibs, not way.

Bobby and Buck slowly lift the dead snake over the woman's head so she can breathe. "WOW, why is that always the first option for you, white boy macho tough guys?" Hen said, earning a stifled laugh from Alex as she didn't want to seem too rude to her new coworkers.

"Guys I am totally gonna trek credit for this with Tatiana this is gonna get me laid for a week thank you" Chim said and Alex just rolled her eyes she still didn't like the way this Tatiana girl sounded.

She turned when she heard the girl they were helping say "Spartacus" as Buck moved the snake away.

Then she immediately rolled her eyes again as Buck opened his mouth telling the girl "Yeah well it was him or you and faced in a situation like that I always go for the safe and more attractive option"

"Is that right?" she says.

"Yeah, that's right." Buck flirts back, earning a gagging gesture from Alex.

"Ok, hard pass, I'm gonna skip the part where the two idiots flirt," Hen says, grabbing her stuff and leaving.

"I second that," Alex adds quickly following Hen.


Back at the fire station, the Hen and Chimney are sitting in detailed discussions as Alex sits at the island, reading a book while snacking on a cereal bar. After a few minutes of everyone sitting separately and doing their own thing, the engine returns to the station, and she sees Buck immediately walk to the locker room. "What is up with him?" she thought secretly, hoping he was ok, but she would never admit that ever.

Hen walks downstairs, and after about 5 minutes, Buck and her emerge from the locker room with his bag slung over his shoulder. Slowly Chimney walks down and hugs the guy she follows unsure of what to do or say so once everyone goes back up she quickly walks over to him and says "Hey um I know that we haven't known each other that long and all but your a really great kid and I'm really sorry about everything that happened. If you ever need to talk, I'm here." She then places a comforting hand on his back and ends the talk by saying,"Good luck out there, Buckley."

"Thanks, Alexandra," he says as he walks back towards the locker room to finish grabbing his stuff.

Her heart drops a little as she walks back upstairs to join the others just in time for the bell to rings and she runs back downstairs to the trucks noticing Hen and Chim give Buck a pat on the back before they hop in the ambulance which leaves her to drive the fire truck. She hops in the driver's side, glancing at Buck one last time before she peels out of the station.

A/N sorry for the less frequent updates lots of stuff is happening with school staring back up. Also just dealing with some family stuff please go check out #justiceforlucy on instagram. Lucy was my aunts dog who was unfortunately taken from us too soon after my aunt left her and her brother Einstein at a PetSuites in Klein while they went on vacation. Less than 24 hours later they had to come back because both dogs were in the hospital after being left out for hours in 100 degree weather. Lucy had unfortunately been found unresponsive and passed Einstein her brother is extremely traumatized. I don't as for pity I ask for help to boost this situation because the PetSuites keeps dodging everything thrown at them and this has happened multiple times. Thank you for listening to my rant and even just leaving a bad review could help bring justice for all the animals that have suffered at the hands of these people.

Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" BuckleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang