8 May

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"Alright we are gonna stage the trucks on that service road, Hen, I want you and to assess the condition of those kids and start sending them up one by one. Me and Alex will take care of the dad Chimney you stay up here and work the winch." Bobby orders and I start grabbing all the gear and handing it to everyone.

"Why don't i ever get to do anything fun" Chimney whines

"I can work the winch Cap chimney has much more experience with this then I do" I offered only to be shot down immediately

"No Alex you need to repel down because you have the most experience with these injuries and chimney working the winch is fun" He says

I start getting my gear on with a little help from Hen. Even though I'm trained for this I still get a little shaky and have trouble getting my gear on. I move to the edge of the cliff and throw my line down. Slowly I start making my way down to help Bobby check out the dad.

"Sir do not move you head we will get you moved as soon as we can" Cap soothes

"Sir can you move your toes" I ask running through all the checks.


"12 more hours left of my shift" I mutter as I notice an ambulance pulling into the ambulance bay. Sprinting i yell at the people in the lobby to move aside. "Dorothy, Monique, and Nat I need you over here I say asking the paramedics questions which I quickly shared with the rest of my team.

I open the door to the ambulance and see Athena sitting besides a unconscious May. What just happened? Her heart is shattered as she sees Athena crying over her daughter. Breathe just breathe you can't take this call if you are not in the right headspace.

"14 year old female overdosed on hydrocodone she's been down for around 10 minutes get her to trauma 1" I say as i hear Athena mutter to May that she will be ok. Crushing Alexandra's heart with how much love she had for her daughter. Right as i am about to walk into the trauma room Athena grabs my hand whipping me around.

"Please save my baby" she says tears evident in her eyes.

This woman the LAPD's rock is sitting here crumbling and I didn't know what to do besides say "I am going to do everything I can to make sure May is ok" before running into the room and starting my check's and making her stable.


Athenas's POV

As Alexandra leaves I feel crushed as I listen to the voices drifting out of the room that just closed. "Pupillary response normal, pupils are slightly dilated"

I slowly move to the lobby and pace the room awaiting any news on my baby.


Alexandra's POV

As I'm sitting in the gym lifting my weights my mind keeps drifting to May. After I moved her to the ICU nobody told us what happened did she wake up? Is she OK? I want to ask Athena but I can't put her through that again. My weights hit the rack and I go to wash up and join the rest of them upstairs.


I'm sitting upstairs and hear Hen yelling at Evan about being stupid on video games. Chimney walks in and its as if the world just loses color. He looks depressed I wonder what's wrong.

Thankfully I didn't have to do much talking as Hen just starts talking "Hey Chim are you ok?"

"Look Chim if there is something you want to talk about?" Buck says following Hen to the kitchen and I am hot on his heels.

Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now