Chapitre 2: leave me alone girl

Start from the beginning

No Tara, don't apologize I'm the problem. I don't blame you, I'll see you tomorrow at school, have a good day at least

She didn't respond to my "I love you" when usually she always responds to that even when pissed off. She didn't say she missed me too. i don't know what to do, Should I still go to her place? It's better if I leave her alone, rest, but I won't make it until tomorrow without talking to her. Fuck. I'm in tears again.

Never mind, I'll go home and try to sleep


In her message she said she loved me. I know it's friendly and there's nothing more to it but it still made me feel good. Maybe she really does realize what she's done, that she let me down for that shitty Wes ,that she ignored me.... I can't blame her for not loving me, it's not human to act like this, it's not me.

I decide to call her, she picks up like directly

"Amber," she says.
"Tara I'm sorry about today I shouldn't have talked to you like that." I tell her
"No you did the right thing, Amber I got the message, I'm sorry. Tell me you forgive me?" I hear her breathing heavily
"Tara you don't need to be forgiven, and please take your inhaler" I say.
"Can I come over to your place Amber? I'm on my way home" she asks.
"I'm waiting for you".

I'm afraid to face her, afraid I'll react badly again and let my feelings speak for me. I don't blame her in the end, she's right. As much as it pains me to say it, Wes is a good guy, a lousy guy but a good guy. He can take care of her the way I never could, and for that alone I respect him.15 minutes later she knocks on the door.

I go down to open it and she gives me a hug. She squeezes me so hard it takes my breath away.
"Tara" I say
"I'm so sorry" She says crying
"Please stop crying...." I say as I hug back her.

There's no way I'm going to pout at her, I hate seeing her cry, it breaks my heart. I let her in and we go straight to my room.My room's a bit of a serial killer's lair, yes it's creepy lol, there are horror movie posters everywhere, figurines, comics, drawings of me as a kid, and there's just one photo, Tara and me last year.

She sits down on my bed and says.
"Can we please do it the way it was before Amber?" She says to me.
"What do you mean?" I reply,
"I just want to lie with you and watch any movie or series for hours, please" she asks me.

I look her in the eye, I can't say no to her. I take off my socks and lie down in my bed, she joins me and puts her arm on my stomach. I swallow my saliva. Since I realized I was in love with her, I don't really know how to act. Before, we were always like that and I didn't mind, but now I feel like I'm taking advantage of her. I turn on the TV in front of my bed and start Stab 2, my favorite.

"Would you like something to eat or drink Carpenter?" I ask,
"No I don't want to move" She says,
"No, but who am I kidding?" I say, turning my head to look at her.
"I don't want you to move either please".

I've never felt like this in my life, like what am I supposed to do? Act like nothing happened, like 2 months ago and leave her in my arms while we watch? I'm in love with her and she's here, holding me by the waist with her little arm. I feel so good, I feel soothed as if I had no problem at all, I could fall asleep in this position, really. I'm trying to concentrate on the film, to take my mind off the fact that I literally have Tara's hand holding me, when suddenly her phone rings.


Let's fucking die bro WTF, you can't keep ruining my moments.

She turns her phone around and doesn't answer.

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