11 ♡ pretty hurts

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Your eyelids were heavy, and just opening them proved to incredibly difficult. You let out a soft groan, eyes glancing to your surroundings. By the looks of things, you were in the nurse's office. You remembered collapsing, but not much else.

"You've come to," Recovery Girl remarked, striding over towards your bedside. "How are you feeling? You fainted just after the conclusion of the second stage."

"Um... I think I'll be okay." You felt a little drowsy, most likely since the heroine had used her Quirk on you, but other than that, you weren't in pain or anything. It wasn't like you to faint out of nowhere. You must've really pushed yourself more than you'd realized. That, coupled with the fact that you'd channeled Aphrodite's power earlier.

Recovery Girl nodded. "I gave you a quick examination, just to make sure you didn't have anything serious, but it really must've been fatigue and overuse of your powers. You'd better go see your friends if you're up for it," she said. "I know that at least one of them has been so worried he can't help but pace back and forth in front of my office."


"You also might want to thank that blonde boy, Bakugou, as well. He was the one who brought you in here to get treated right away."

You couldn't help but blink. Izuku, of course, would express his concern for you, but you were surprised that Katsuki would go to such lengths. Even if you enjoyed being around him, you were pretty sure he didn't consider you his friend or anything. Still... it was a nice gesture, and it made you smile. You knew he wasn't a bad person like how everyone thought.

"[Name]-chan, are you okay?!"

The second you stepped out of the office, Izuku practically burst into tears. You laughed and tried to reassure him that everything was just fine; after all, compared to how often he would break his own bones, you passing out was hardly worth talking about.

"I'm not used to using my powers so often," you admitted sheepishly. "I guess I got a little in over my head. I'm not in pain or anything, though. Still just a little worn out."

His big, green eyes trembled. "W-Will you be okay to move onto the next stage?"

"I'm sure I will be, yeah. What did I miss?"

"Nothing, really. You were only out for a few minutes, and right now lunch is still underway." He flashed you a shy grin. "I, um... was waiting for you to be out so that we could maybe go eat together...?"

"Of course," you smiled, grabbing his hand in your own. He did a little jump and flushed several shades darker but made no effort to pull away. The two of you headed for the mess hall, still hand-in-hand, and you spotted Uraraka and Iida sitting a few tables away. Just as you were about to wave at them, you felt your body being pulled back.

Shouto was staring at the two of you with his pale, mismatched eyes. He'd latched onto the arm that wasn't holding Izuku's, and his expression was cold at best, but then again, when wasn't it?

You offered a smile. "Can we help you?"

"I need to talk to Midoriya." His eyes shifted towards the boy by your side, caught the way your hands were intertwined, and he scrunched up his nose. "Alone."

He was in a foul mood, that much was clear. You didn't really understand why. He'd placed first during the Cavalry Battle, so shouldn't he have been a bit happier? You didn't know what exactly had gone on between him and Izuku, and why he was even targeting Izuku in the first place, but at some point during that battle, you knew you'd caught a glimpse of flames lapping up his left side.

"Sure," you smiled, letting your hand fall from Izuku's. "I'll give you two your space. Izuku-kun, I'll be sitting over there with the others, okay?"


Goddess Wink | Various!BNHA x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon