48 ♡ song of voice

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"First things first, we should test the limits of your powers," Mei suggested.

You frowned at her. "The limits of my powers?"

"Yep! For instance, how far can your voice travel and retain its effectiveness, and is there anything else that might enhance your ability to control others from a distance? Stuff like that."

"Oh... right."

The boot camp for developing special moves was still underway, and you were determined to try and come up with some support items that would better enable you during a fight. Thankfully, Mei seemed very enthusiastic about the idea. You thought she might feel a little overwhelmed, especially since there were so many unknowns surrounding your Quirk, but it was just like Power Loader had said-she didn't get discouraged, or fear failure. If anything, she seemed excited to try and tackle a more difficult concept.

"Adapting to the needs of the client is a must for a good designer," she grinned. "Don't worry! We'll figure something out."

You smiled hopefully. Her bright, forward-facing demeanor was incredibly reassuring. It didn't matter if you were behind your classmates in terms of understanding your powers. If you put in the effort, before long, you were confident you'd see some results.

"My targets need to see me in order for my voice to work on them," you explained. "If they're facing away from me, or avert their eyes as I speak, they won't fall victim to my commands. Once I'm close enough to make contact with them, it doesn't matter whether or not they can see me, though. Still, I'd like to figure out a way that I can fight without constantly needing to rely on getting so close."

Mei tapped her thumb to her chin. "If that's the case, something like amplifying your voice would probably do the trick, right? So that your targets can hear it from a distance. It should work if you surprise your opponent."

"So, like a speaker? A voice amplifier?"

"Well, we can't be sure that it'll work, but I say it's worth a try. Actually, I should have a megaphone lying around here someplace." She crouched down and started rifling through the mountain of unused gadgets. "Ah, here it is," she smiled. "Let's go outside and you can test out your powers on me."

"Sounds good!"

You made your way over towards the forest, not wanting to interfere with any unsuspecting students who were lounging around campus. Thankfully, U.A was hardly lacking in land. There was plenty of space for you to spread out and train.

Mei ran far back, partially obstructed by the trees. You could still see her, just barely. A few moments later, your phone buzzed in your palm. A text confirming that she was ready to begin. At this distance, it was difficult to hear each other properly. Truly, the perfect testing ground.

You brought the megaphone directly in front of your lips. You inhaled, activated your Quirk, and breathed out your next words.

"Sit down on the ground and curl up into a ball."

It was loud, aggravatingly loud, and you winced from the feedback resounding in your ears. You were certain she'd been able to hear you at that volume. You stared off into the distance and waited a few moments, but it didn't look like anything was happening.

Soon thereafter, Mei came running over towards you.

"Did you use your Quirk?" she asked. "I heard your command, but my body didn't try to act on its own."

You tensed up. "Huh? No... I'm positive I used it just now. Have my powers been restricted again...?"

Mei cocked her head, confused by your statement, but you realized soon enough that wasn't the case. Back when your powers had been sealed off, you hadn't felt anything. There had been no sign that your Quirk was still residing in your body, no matter how hard you tried to muster it forth. Earlier, you were sure that you'd felt the familiar waves of energy coursing through your veins. Your Quirk was still there, but it still hadn't worked.

Goddess Wink | Various!BNHA x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora